The Power of Hyper Focus Drive

Most of you reading this probably already know that I’m ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactive Disorder), which means that (1) I don’t sit still well and (2) I am easily distracted.

“Oh look! A chicken.”

Yeah. That kind of distracted. That being so, I’ve had to learn to cope with focus most of my life. I’ve done […]

A Christmas Carol

Every time I pick up a mainline hymnal that was printed anytime after 1990 I get just a little bit disgusted. In an effort to save our sensibilities and to be as politically/theologically “correct” as possible, many of the old hyms were lyrically changed. Now, I’m all for inclusive language and all that, but […]

Small Groups Defined

Often I get a question about the difference between a small group and a non-small group (what I call a “Class” and so on). I tend to differentiate between these groups based primarily on their discipleship development processes.

 House Church: A house church (sometimes called micro-churches, simple churches, organic churches, etc.) is a church that meets […]

A New Scorecard for Churches in Any Age

Scorecards are valuable in any game because they tell you whether or not you’re winning. If it is important to know if you’re winning in a game, how much more important is it to know if you are “winning” as a church? It eternally matters!

I’m one of those people who believes that if you […]

Christmas is About Jesus, Not a Holiday

Christmas is more than just a holiday as some would want to make it.  Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus. Those who would like to de-Christianize Christmas are simply reverting to the traditions of the past. Let me explain.

The history of the celebration of December 25th dates back over 4000 years. […]

The Primacy of Preaching

I’m reading a fascinating book, Preaching and Preachers, by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  I must confess, I’ve never read anything by him before and that’s a shame. The book is an excellent read.  His premise is that preaching is the primary thing a minister does. He gives three reasons. One, because preaching is primary in […]

Great Leaders Keep Up

I often ask my pastors what they’re reading outside of scripture. Too often the answers I get are litanies of commentaries and historical theologians. Although that’s not a bad thing, I suppose, the problem is that a steady diet of Christian academia and spirituality may feed your soul, but it will also asphyxiate your […]

Training Small Groups

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

One of the most disheartening thing I’ve noticed in most church’s small group programs is the lack of life-changing that goes on. The vast majority of the participants who attend small groups leave in about the same state as when they came, except that they may be just a little more educated on […]

Try This for Finding Church Visitors

Last weekend, about 15% of Americans were a part of Christian worship.  If you are a Christian leader, that should be enough to get you motivated.

Many church leaders weren’t trained for what ministry looks like today.  The bottom line: Could you use more visitors in your church?  If so, let’s get started.

Some years back, […]