Managerial Aspects of Leadership

By Bill Easum

Being the pastor of a church requires many things not taught in seminary. One of those things not taught is the managerial aspects of leadership. Whereas leaders look outward to the future, managers look inward to the moment.

In a small church the pastor has to be both manager and leader if the […]

How to Boost Discipleship Participation

Way back in the world of Christendom, discipleship was presumed to be a part of what the church did. Back then, most church members had been raised in the church and they would bring their children as a matter of course.

Today, however, the world has changed dramatically. Two generations now exist in the US that […]

The Struggle Is Real: Why Your Church Needs a Growth Checklist

If you’re a pastor or church leader, you know the struggle all too well. You pour your heart and soul into your ministry, but despite your best efforts, your church just isn’t growing. You’re not alone. According to recent statistics, a staggering 66% of churches in the United States are either plateaued or in […]

Church, Essential Ingredients

From Bill Easum

We are often asked to boil down to a bare understandable minimum the essential characteristics of a biblical congregation.

Driven by a clear mission (DNA) that is imprinted throughout the life of the congregation. E very church has the same DNA – to carry out the Great Commission. Of course, every DNA […]

Curing Congregational Low Self-Esteem

Many churches I work with suffer from low self-esteem and a sense of hopelessness. There are many reasons for this malaise, a common one being that the congregation has come to believe their circumstances are insurmountable (they’re not, but that’s a post for another time).

I’m working on a recommendation report from a consultation with a church […]

Four Things that Keep People Out of Your Church

I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the case. A healthy, growing church should be seeing enough first-time visitors each week that they make up 3 percent or more […]

Hiring Staff Method

In a program based church the following model works very well in hiring staff.

Before advertising for the position, develop a clear Mission Statement setting out all of the expectations and objectives on which the person will be evaluated.  This way the person knew what was expected before joining the staff.

Next, advertise nationally through your  […]

Why Don’t More People Attend Small Groups?

“We are committed to becoming a church of small groups.”
“Life-change happens best in small groups.”
“Everyone needs authentic community.”

These statements, and others like them, are heard often in churches around the country. Small groups have become a big deal.

Churches desiring to help members connect relationally and to grow in discipleship have turned to the small […]

5 Ways to Leverage Your Church Music Ministry

Perhaps you’ve noticed, people aren’t clamoring to go to church these days.  On any given weekend, about 15% of Americans worship as Christians.  But do not despair, your church music ministry can be a great resource for contemporary evangelism.

At The Effective Church Group, we feel keenly that pastors of churches under 500 at worship […]