8 Habits of a Life-Changing Small Group Leader

Here is a post from Church Leaders that is worth reading.

Make time with God a daily priority. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35 NIV
Follow the best example and […]

Our Changing World and the Church and Education

I was fortunate enough that my formative years experienced incremental change. I saw lots of changes, TV, commercial air travel, atomic bomb, A/C, cell phones to name just a few, but each of these changes took place slowly enough for me to adapt easily to them. I spent years watching black and white TV […]

4 Ways Your Greeters Make Guests Feel Welcome

When it comes to first-time visitors, you may be surprised to learn that perhaps the most influential person your guests will meet isn’t your worship leader. It’s not the choir director, Christian education leader, or the board chair. It’s not even your pastor. Believe it or not, probably the most influential person your first-timers meet is your […]

Reproductive Movements

By BIll Easum

At the very time when many voices are pronouncing the end of the institutional church and the rise of the emergent church, we’re witnessing the birth of three major reproductive movements – church planting, multi-site, and raising up leaders- all of which have the potential to turn around the decline of Christianity […]

Why Your Church Mission Statement Isn’t Effective

A mission statement defines the purpose of an individual, group, business, or institution. Ostensibly, a mission statement defines the “end result” of the organization’s activities. “Shareholder profitability” may sound self-serving, but that is exactly the results expected of a publicly held corporation.

The reason so many churches’ mission statements don’t achieve the expected results is […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]

Hopeful Leadership

One of the most powerful things a leader can do is offer hope to the congregation and community, but this is more than mere optimism. A recent book from the business sector is Putting Hope to Work: Five Principles to Activate Your Organization’s Most Powerful Resource (Praeger, 2006). Inspired, I adapt the principles for church life.


Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]

You Reflect Yourself Better Than You Think

I’m in the final throes of writing a recommendation report for a congregation I did a consultation with. While making a recommendation for the church to better define their values, I got distracted by discussing the difference between one’s beliefs and one’s values. I’ve long said that beliefs drive values and values drive beliefs, […]