The Harvest is Waiting

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus directly asked us to pray that more leaders would be sent out into their networks to reap a spiritual harvest.  Yet, I find most pastors seldom pray for leaders to go into the […]

Unplugging from Cable

I was with my grandson … 13 years-old … yesterday and he asked grandma and I, “Do you have cable?” I admitted we did and he responded:

How can you stand cable and all those commercials? I hate commercials!

To be fair, so do I. In fact, my Kansas City apartment is completely unplugged from commercial […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]

Getting Beyond the Mirror

The other night, I met with a new church plant’s core leadership for a planning session. Each member of the leadership core has served the church literally for years and are all excited about making a difference in their community. The new church is using a cell group model for their church plant and […]

Find an Accountability Partner

Throughout the 30+ years I served in pastoral ministry I have witnessed too many church pastors in America lose their positions of church leadership because of financial or sexual indiscretions coming to the light of day. This long list of ministry tragedies might have been avoided had there been accountability relationships in place.

Accountability can […]

Fish to Faith: Numbers Reveal the Gospel’s Power

In a world driven by data and metrics, the church often finds itself in a peculiar position. While businesses and organizations meticulously track KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), churches sometimes shy away from the numbers game. But if we look back to the early church, we find a different story—one where numbers were not just […]

Hiring Staff Method

In a program based church the following model works very well in hiring staff.

Before advertising for the position, develop a clear Mission Statement setting out all of the expectations and objectives on which the person will be evaluated.  This way the person knew what was expected before joining the staff.

Next, advertise nationally through your  […]

Erwin McManus, Seizing Your Divine Moment

McManus, ErwinSeizing Your Divine Moment

(Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 246 pages, hardback, $19.99.  (Obtain from Thomas Nelson Publishers, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.,

What a book!  Every Christian who feels in their gut that there must be more to their faith than they are experiencing should read this book.  Every church leader who knows he or […]