
Let me inject a word of caution taking this whole issue to seriously. It is one thing to go to great lengths to make the nursery secure from non-custodial parents kidnapping their own kids or a pedophile molesting a child. it is another thing for churches to put bars on the windows and doors […]

How to Promote Your Church’s Values While Fundraising

Fundraising is a key part of sustaining your church as it provides the resources you need to run your church properly and support your programming. However, at its core, fundraising is about gathering the funds necessary to fulfill your church’s vision and uphold your values.

When you incorporate your church’s values into your fundraising, you […]

Embrace Entertainment

A recent comment about a local big box church (that’s successfully reaching, baptizing, and discipling young adults):

“They’ve given in to entertainment evangelism.”

… as if entertainment was a four-letter, distasteful, disgusting word.

If you’re going to reach young adults I’ve got three words for you:


Jesus specialized in entertainment evangelism. He told stories, AKA parables. He captured […]

Never Call It a Welcome Center

Too many churches don’t have an information center – and the ones that do seem to tuck it away against the back wall in some out-of-the-way corner. A well run information center is worth its weight in gold.

That being said, don’t make these information center faux pas:

Instead of “Information Center,” it’s labeled “Visitors” or “Welcome” […]

Church Planting, Ridleys 13 Characteristics and Test

Other than yourself have a friend, your supervisor, and a person with whom you work in ministry fill out the following:

1. Visioning capacity

being a person who projects into the future beyond the present
developing a theme which highlights the vision and philosophy of ministry
persuasively selling the vision to the people
approaching […]

How to Create a Budget for Your Church: 4 Best Practices

As a church leader, you know how important it is for your church to effectively steward its resources. After all, you can only serve the community and engage your congregation if you have the necessary funding for your mission-driven activities!

Accounting best practices provide a framework for managing your church’s finances, and one critical element […]

Why Churches Don’t Change

When a young man came to Jesus seeking eternal life, he was told what he needed to do to change. Remember how he reacted? He walked away sad. Jesus then responded to the crowd that had gathered, “And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye […]

Six Systems of Lay Mobilization

The following is an excerpt from our workbook Disciple Making Leaders.  To purchase the entire workbook go to

I.  The Steps in making disciples or mobilizing a congregation.  This is the primary measure of how much value a paid staff person adds to the mission of the church.

A.      Identify those who appear ready for discipleship.

1. One […]

The First Strategy for Church Growth

The following post is a rough draft of a section in Chapter 1  in our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.
Grow Spiritual Leaders to Grow Spiritual Members
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church and […]