Ministry Lessons: 5 Ways to Turn Children Into Leaders

Most churches have a natural hierarchy of top-level responsibilities, spearheaded by the lead pastor or ministry leaders. But all believers should be ready and willing to lead, and it starts with teaching children in the congregation leadership skills.

Research shows that leaders tend to have higher cognitive ability, more self-confidence, and more motivation to drive. […]


The nursery is one of the most important rooms in the church and should reflect the type of homes the parents have made for their children (or in some cases should be much better than). It should be on the same level as the worship area and should be located close to it. It […]

An Open Letter to a Disciple; Parts 1 and 2

Not long ago on our advanced leadership listserv (, a member posted a stirring message in which he asked:

Dear Bill:

My sense is that it’s around these bottom-line issues that most of us still feel overwhelmed and still struggle. It feels to me like we should be taking our discussions on this forum to a […]

Is Your Vision Building or Busting Your Church’s Growth?

In the quest of how to grow a church, there’s a pivotal yet often overlooked element: distinguishing your personal vision from your church’s. Think of it as the unsung hero of church leadership. Many pastors, in their heartfelt service, blur these lines, leading to a journey where their personal compass gets lost in the […]

Team Model for Hiring

A Team Concept for Hiring
One of the most crucial responsibilities of a senior pastor of a church with one hundred and fifty people or more in worship is the discovery, recruitment, coaching, and empowerment of a diverse, talented staff who are all pursuing the same goal. As a church grows larger, this responsibility becomes more […]

Churches Committed To Multiplication: Part Three

As a result of my time at the think tank in Atlanta, I spent some time listening to the message of several pastors who are leading either reproducing or multiplying churches, and I confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for some time.

The success of a church is not determined by how well the pastor teaches or […]

Superhero Worship

Last weekend I took one of my grandsons to the movies to see the latest block-buster hit Avengers: Infinity Wars. I am told it had the biggest opening of any movie ever and that it is approaching two billion dollars in ticket sales. The movie features seemingly every one of the Marvel Comic book […]

Grow Your Church Easter Sunday to Summer

The time between Easter and the beginning of Summer is a critical time in the life of your church.

Whether Easter is early or late in the calendar, the time between what will probably be your best attended Sunday and the beginning of a time when church service attendance traditionally slumps is short. This year […]

Of Coaches, Consultants, and Pooled Ignorance

It happened again recently. I was in a large group of mainline church leaders who professed their interest in church transformation. We were all milling around the room waiting for the convener to launch the meeting, and the conversation was pensive. Then the “transformational church leader” stood up, thanked us for coming, and said, […]