How to Grow a Small Church

By Bill Easum copyright 2007

If you’re a pastor of a church under 500 in worship, this is a must read article for you.

Pastors and lay people in small churches are always asking me what they can do to grow their church. From their questions it’s clear most are looking for some magical formula or […]

A Christmas Eve Church Fantasy… or Not

Several years ago, I wrote the following Christmas Eve fantasy account. It was a compilation of some of the Christmas Eve hospitality practices that I’ve experienced in churches I’ve led as well as some things that I’ve seen in other churches. Since it was published, I’ve heard of several churches who have taken on […]

Why House Church?

I guess after a couple of decades as a church professional it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. It’s become one of my personal pet peeves and it always blows me away how my colleagues manage to let their language betray them.

Church isn’t a building.
Church isn’t a meeting.
Church isn’t a decision-making body.
Church isn’t a […]

Five Things You’re Doing That Won’t Grow Your Church

The church pastor was flummoxed. He had no idea why his church wasn’t growing. He was doing lots of stuff right, but he just couldn’t get any traction. So he called me. After a lengthy conversation, I helped him identify five things he was spending a lot of his time on that weren’t growing […]

National Outreach Convention

Since you’re one of my network and regular readers, I wanted to remind you about the National Outreach Convention in November in San Diego. It is one of the largest gatherings each year, with a single focus – how do we reach more with the message of the gospel? Now more than ever, outreach is a critical […]

Hiring Staff Method

In a program based church the following model works very well in hiring staff.

Before advertising for the position, develop a clear Mission Statement setting out all of the expectations and objectives on which the person will be evaluated.  This way the person knew what was expected before joining the staff.

Next, advertise nationally through your  […]

Disciple has Too Much Baggage to Be Effective

I’m constantly asked, “What’s the best curriculum for leadership development or discipleship?” as if either one is something that can be taught and learned in a course. My response is always the same – “You are the curriculum.”

I often get a blank stare because in the West we think of everything as if it […]

UMC Portal Report

My tribe just conducted a survey of 36,000 United Methodist Churches (UMCs) only to find what many of us have been teaching for over two decades. Here is a quote from the report from the UM Portal survey.

“United Methodist congregations that are thriving have a few things in common—whether large or small, urban or […]

Hospitality Begins with Signage

Think about times you’ve been embarrassed.  What was the context?  How did you feel?

It wasn’t good, was it?  Being embarrassed is a terrible feeling.  When I’m embarrassed, I’m tempted to turn around and run.  And that’s what I see from you too!

I hang out at a coffeehouse where there’s great service and lively conversation.  […]