Guided Capital Campaigns

For the week of June 13, 2005

Guided Capital Campaigns

By: Tom Bandy

Every statistic, and every experience, verifies the fact that professionally guided capital campaigns always raise more money than internal campaigns designed and led by amateurs. But how do you know if your capital campaign needs a professional?

The rule of thumb is that any manageable, […]

Organizing Cell Groups Around “Helps”

For the week of June 27, 2005

Organizing Cell Groups Around “Helps”

By: Tom Bandy

The spiritual gift of “helps” is one of the most common among church members. Many people are gifted to do odd jobs, church maintenance, and practical tasks that improve the appearance of the church or serve the physical needs of people. The […]

Gallup and Lindsay, The Gallup Guide

Gallup Jr., George & Lindsay, D. MichaelThe Gallup Guide

The Gallup Guide, by George Gallup Jr. & D. Michael Lindsay (Loveland, CO, Group Publishing, 2002) 175 pages, paperback, $16.99. (Obtain from Group Publishing, P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539.

Churches wanting to use surveys to interpret the trends in their area or the hopes and dreams […]

Why Every Pastor Needs A Coach

The longer I am in ministry, the more I realize how valuable a coach is to a pastor.  Coaching wasn’t in vogue when I was pastoring. I wish it were; it would have saved me from making several big mistakes.  Let me share a couple of mistakes that could have been avoided if I […]

Rechurching the Unchurched

I just finished reading a draft to endorse George Barna’s new book Rechurching the Unchurched. Not the best title, but one that aptly describes the book. It has some very interesting facts drawn from his two years of research with the unchurched. I thought I would share a few of the ones I found […]

Why Don’t More People Attend Small Groups?

“We are committed to becoming a church of small groups.”
“Life-change happens best in small groups.”
“Everyone needs authentic community.”

These statements, and others like them, are heard often in churches around the country. Small groups have become a big deal.

Churches desiring to help members connect relationally and to grow in discipleship have turned to the small […]

Are You a Scattered Pastor?

Hey Pastor … we’ve all been there – feeling like we’re being pulled and scattered in a million different directions, trying to juggle a dozen balls and inevitably dropping half of them. It’s a common scenario in our line of work, right? On a good day, we start our day with a clear […]

Why Can’t It Simply Be “Church”?

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of all the crazy book titles that attach adjectives to the word “church”.  I get dozens of review copies every year and lately it dawned on me that many of them the last couple of years have had “church” in the title.  So I did a search […]

Is it Time to Drop the Requirement: Part Two

My post, titled “Is It Time To Drop The Requirement,” resulted in several responses, which prompted me to do a little more digging into the subject of ordination. And after extensive reading on the subject I conclude there is absolutely no mention of ordination in the New Testament. By the second part of the […]