4 Design Elements to Optimize Your Church Website

Your church may already have a website, but is it doing everything it can to engage your members and boost fundraising? 

A strong church website can help inform your congregation about upcoming events, allow new members to learn more about your church’s identity, and increase fundraising results. In fact, churches that accept tithing online may […]

Everett M. Rogers, Diffusions of Innovations

Rogers, Everett M.Diffusion of Innovations

(New York, NY: Free Press, 1995) 519 pages, paperback, $32.95 . Obtain from The Free Press, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

One of the classic books on change and how innovation actually causes change within a system. Although much of […]

3 Gifts for Growth this Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely to attend your Christmas Eve service than any other service of the year.

If your church is like the typical North American church, […]

Evangelism for the Rest of Us

Evangelism for the Rest of Us

Excerpted from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Evangelism
by Bill Tenny-Brittian (Chalice Press, fall 2008)

Over the years, especially with the rise of the Enlightenment and Modernity, an understanding crept into the church that mimicked our scientific culture. In science, if it can’t be measured and examined in some way, then significant question […]

Start a New Message Series on Easter

For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I would ask myself what kind of series should I begin on Easter Sunday that would hopefully make everyone present make spiritual […]

Christmas Suggestions

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when it comes to reaching unchurched people.  People attend worship on Easter because it’s the thing to do- or it used to be. […]

Interveiw for Ginkworld


I.     Introduction

A.      Let me contextualize my thoughts.

1.      It is my contention that the world, and especially North America, is more like the first century than the 20th century. If that is true, our strategies must be different and the world is ripe for a major new movement that could reshape the world. The question is […]

Parachurch planting Groups

Bill Easum

Several trans-denominational groups have begun church planting centers for the purpose of networking, developing and assisting church planters. The relationship of the organization to the planter is very different from that of the congregational-based center. Whereas the congregational-based center has a direct impact on the long-term coaching, the organizational based planting center often […]

Stop Inviting People to Church… and Grow Your Church Anyway

Recently, I was working with a church that desperately wants to grow… well, the pastor wants it to grow. He asked his core leaders about their inviting experiences and they all said shades of the same thing: “I’ve invited all my friends to church and they’re not interested.”

Well, duh!!

Unless you happen to be inviting […]