What’s All the Buzz Part One

By Bill Easum (2007)

The phrase “What’s the Buzz” is taking on more meaning every year.  Let me explain.

Those of you who know me know I have long been a proponent of television and direct mail marketing. While I am still a proponent of these two media I am becoming less convinced of their effectiveness.

Case […]

Gallup and Lindsay, The Gallup Guide

Gallup Jr., George & Lindsay, D. MichaelThe Gallup Guide

The Gallup Guide, by George Gallup Jr. & D. Michael Lindsay (Loveland, CO, Group Publishing, 2002) 175 pages, paperback, $16.99. (Obtain from Group Publishing, P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539.

Churches wanting to use surveys to interpret the trends in their area or the hopes and dreams […]

Reveal Study

A lot of conversations and misunderstandings have arisen as a result of the Reveal study done by Willow Creek.  Because the study can be so helpful I thought I would set the record straight.No, Willow is not abandoning its long standing concern for the seeker.  No, Willow has not been a failure. No, Willow […]

Easter Church Growth: Solving 3 Key Dilemmas

Easter Sunday rolls around with a kind of predictability that’s both comforting and challenging for pastors across the board. Let’s check out the scene: the church is brimming more than usual, the air is thick with the scent of fresh flowers – mostly lilies, and the folks sitting on the pews create a colorful […]

Say NO to what will not grow your church.

If your church, through the vision God has given you to serve is beginning to effectively grow, you will inevitably be approached by leaders within your denomination or community to serve in some capacity.

Local civic organizations like Kiwanis, Lions Club or Rotary are good groups to help you connect with other community leaders.  Being […]

Superhero Worship

Last weekend I took one of my grandsons to the movies to see the latest block-buster hit Avengers: Infinity Wars. I am told it had the biggest opening of any movie ever and that it is approaching two billion dollars in ticket sales. The movie features seemingly every one of the Marvel Comic book […]

Hiring Staff Method

In a program based church the following model works very well in hiring staff.

Before advertising for the position, develop a clear Mission Statement setting out all of the expectations and objectives on which the person will be evaluated.  This way the person knew what was expected before joining the staff.

Next, advertise nationally through your  […]

Bruce Tulgan, The Managers Pocket Guide to Generation X

Tulgan, BruceThe Manager’s Pocket Guide to Generation X

(HRD Press, 1997) 102 pages, paperback, $7.95. Obtain from HRD Press, 22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002, 1-800-822-2801, http://www.hrdpress.com

Written by, for, and about the elusive Gen X Generation. This book has value two ways. For church leaders it is a definitive, short work on this generation. For […]

From the Latest Net Results: Is Evangelism Dead?

Dr. Bruce Stevens reflects on a key reason many of our evangelism efforts are ineffective … and the reasons why might surprise you.

(Get the newest issue of Net Results)

In the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13:1–9) Jesus
observed that the ground can be rock hard. Generations of preachers have
concluded that the good news will not […]