Three Fatal Staffing Mistakes

There aren’t many mistakes staff can make that are cause for immediate termination. However, when I was a pastor and we had a staff of 68 people, there are three mistakes, that no matter what the circumstance, that would cause me to fire the staff person without any conversation other than, “you’re fired!”

Here are those three reasons:

A serious […]

Hijacked by Modernity, Democracy, and Robert’s Rules of Order

What ever happened to the guidance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to making decisions in the church? Do we really believe that voting on something is the way to go?  Shouldn’t we be trying to discern God’s will rather than the will of the congregation? Are academic credentials really more important than […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Three

We’ve looked at how to break the barriers of 200 and 500 in worship; now it’s time to examine how to push through the 1,000 barrier.  Keep in mind that each barrier builds on the essentials of the previous barriers. So you might take a look at them also to make sure you have […]

Creating an Equipping Culture

Accountability needs to be built into the performance evaluation process for all staff. This one is for those churches wanting to create a culture of equipping or disciple making.  Try using this scoring system to evaluate your ministry and your staff’s ministry.

Rate each statement on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).


Ancient Role Models – Learning from Those Who Didn’t Get It Right… At First

Acts 1:8. You probably know the passage by heart: “You will be my witnesses from Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Those words were spoken to the apostles just before Jesus left them in charge.

And of course, we know the rest of the story, don’t we? […]

The “New” Pastor

We are seeking a Pastor who is an inspiring pastor, preacher and teacher, a good counselor who is honest and trustworthy, thoughtful and pastoral, passionate about reaching young people and families, gregarious and people-oriented. We desire a pastor who is committed to attracting new members and retaining current members and whose sermons are spiritually […]

Stewardship in the Christmas Spirit

Bill Easum

I remember as a child seeing the large red Santa standing by the large black kettle. Santa rang a bell, inviting people to throw money into the big pot. I didn’t know anything about the Salvation Army then. I had never been to church except on one or two Easters. So I always […]

Matthew Parties: A Small Group Growth Tip

The Matthew Party is one of the small group’s best multiplication tools. Matthew Parties are named for the party Matthew threw for his tax-collector friends on the evening he met Jesus. Matthew held this party so his friends could meet the Lord in a safe, hospitable setting (Mark 2:14–17). The Matthew Party at a […]

Removing Barriers

One of the key roles a Christian leader plays is removing any barriers that keep emerging leaders and new Christians from reaching their potential and the church from fulfilling the Great Commission. One way to do this is through prayer. Another is removing controllers from power. A third is to provide a variety of […]