Creative and Effective Sermon Titles

I think I’ve convinced myself that the most difficult sermon preparation task (and one of the most important) is coming up with great sermon titles (and sermon series titles). Your sermon’s title is of critical importance if you’re depending on word of mouth marketing, using your outdoor church announcement sign, or planning to run any sort […]

Children in Adult-Targeted Worship – A Response

I hate writing this kind of blog post. Refuting someone else’s well-thought out opinions isn’t in my DNA. But the article “Sunday Schooling Our Kids out of Church” has been gaining some traction in mainline circles and I’m compelled to counter because if the conclusions it offers are taken seriously, the current declines in church […]

Anatomy of a Poison Pen Letter

Every effective pastor gets a poison pen letter at least once during their careers. They’re never nice to get and they can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Frankly, they can send an otherwise well-adjusted, healthy pastor into a tailspin. They shouldn’t, but shouldn’t doesn’t cut it in the real world.

When one of […]

Understanding the Role of Your Pastor

The “golden years” of the church, for many key leaders in churches across the US, were the 1950s. Back then “everyone” went to church – and if someone didn’t go to church, they knew they should! Back then, the pastor didn’t get caught up with trying to reach one generation or another. Everyone “liked” […]

How to Interview an Executive Pastor Candidate

A growing trend among mid-size to large churches is the role of executive pastor. We’ve found that many pastors who have a flair for creativity often lack organizational, administrative, and oversight skills. They like to spark ideas and ministries, motivate people to action, and then move on to something else – thus the emergence of the […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Two

Over the weekend I posted the essentials for breaking the 200 in worship growth barrier.  Today, I’m listing the essentials for breaking the 500 barrier.

Keep in mind that these barrier numbers are just that- numbers.  These barriers aren’t broken the moment you average higher than they are.  For example: you really don’t break the 200 […]

Management Skills

They didn’t teach me management skills in seminary.  I wish they had, because as the leader of a church, I needed them badly and it’s a shame I had to learn them on my own.  So I thought I would pass on some pointers.

Pointer One:  If you can’t measure it, it will not succeed.  […]

Some of Us Don’t Value the Soul Anymore

During my 50 years of ministry (Yes, 50. That’s not a typo.), I’ve become convinced that most churches don’t put much value on soul. And that saddens me.

Why do I say this?

Far too often, more than anything else, money defines a person or organization. The old saying “show me your pocket book and I’ll […]

6 Ways to Safeguard Pastors

Pastors live in the midst of many people. But the secret is they are often lonely and depressed. Pastors suffer from a lack of friends.

Be honest, if you are a pastor, are you lonely? If you go to church, do you think your pastor may be lonely?

Not only is this an issue for the […]