The Signs of the Times

From time to time I write an article on what my travels across the U.S. are teaching me. It has been awhile since I have shared my observations, so I thought I would pass on a few of the major trends I am seeing that I think will change the shape of things to […]

My Observations on Leaders and Readers

On November 11, Leadership Network is hosting a live, online event on the topic of Leaders & Readers. Six authors will share their thoughts on the role that reading has played in their leadership experiences, drawing content from their latest books. On that day, the audience will be able to participate in the conversation through […]

Inbox or Mailbox? Choosing Between Online & Offline Channels

To be a successful pastor or church leader, you have to be able to understand the needs of your community and personally connect with your congregation. You do this by communicating frequently and listening to what community members have to say—both at church and after they step outside of it.

But when you want to […]

Time to Daydream

I daydream a lot. Some might even say I fantasize. It’s my own little world. I dream about winning the biggest billfish tournament in the world. I dream about seeing my wife again in this world. I dream about making a difference in the world. I dream about what I could do with ten […]

Transform Television Time

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

Quick, what’s the most used appliance in your house?

For most North American homes it’s the television. The average American adult spends about four hours a day watching TV and our children and youth generally spend even more time. And though I recommend “fasting” from the television from time to time, there are […]

Prayer Room

From our forums

Our church will have a 24’x12’ room with the door along the 12’ wall that we want to designate as a prayer space/sacred space.  I really don’t want to stuff it with pews.  Anyone have any links to pictures of well designed prayer space.  Three prayer groups of 5-9 people will share it weekly, I […]

Start A New Message Series On Easter

For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I would ask myself “What kind of series should I begin on Easter Sunday that would hopefully make everyone present make spiritual […]

Valentines to Juneteenth: The Covid Holiday Season

Reprinted from Net Results magazine, January-February 2021

It really does look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel – and I’m hopeful it’s not a train barreling down the tracks straight at us! But it does seem like the COVID Crisis, as I’ve come to call it, is on its way to […]

Easum, William M.The Complete Ministry Audit

(Abingdon Press, 1996)160 pages, plus bonus Spreadsheet Disk, $29.95, Paperback. Obtain thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320 or thru 21st Century Strategies, 361/749-5364.

This is one of the most complete tools a church leader can use to see where the church has been the past ten years, see where the church is this year, and […]