What You Know Doesn’t Matter

I’m a fairly smart guy and I’ve got the degrees to prove it, so when I was in a seminar and the presenter made the assertion, “What you know doesn’t really matter,” well, it got my dander up and at least in my head I crossed my arms and thought, “That’s bunk.”

But the speaker […]

Radical Hospitality

For the week of January 31, 2005

Radical Hospitality

By: Tom Bandy

Most churches have learned that hospitality increases worship attendance … but they rarely go far enough. Radical hospitality is the readiness, not just to do what you like only better, but to do what you do not like for the sake of the newcomer. Imagine […]

Leadership Alone is Not Enough

By: Bruce Cole

New Hope Christian Fellowship’s Wayne Cordeiro teaches leaders, “Leadership alone is not enough to take our churches into what God has for us. It must be linked with the word “spiritual.” Here’s a simple way to make sure you’re keeping “spiritual” linked to your leadership: the next time you interact with another leader […]

EBA Leadership Tip

Top Five Lessons from Great Pastors
by Jeff Patton
Top Five Lessons from Great Pastors
                    Summer time and the living is easy
                    Fish are jumping, and the cotton is high
                                                Gershwin  1922
 Well it is summertime and from where I sit, it is hot and the cotton ought to be high.
 I hope you have had time for […]

Leadership Alone Is Not Enough

For the week of January 02, 2006

Leadership Alone is Not Enough

By: Bruce Cole

New Hope Christian Fellowship’s Wayne Cordeiro teaches leaders, “Leadership alone is not enough to take our churches into what God has for us. It must be linked with the word “spiritual.” Here’s a simple way to make sure you’re keeping “spiritual” linked […]

Farm System

The greatest need of our time is more effective leadership. It is sheer folly to think that the people who led us well during Modernity can give us the same quality of leadership in the postmodern/pre-Christian world. Churches need to pour more time, energy, and money into training than they do construction. For more […]

Why I Love the Church


Several months ago I wrote an article about my brother-in-law and his church. The title of the article was Is There a Future for Old Military Road Baptist Church? Judging from the feedback I received, it was one of the more helpful articles I have written.

My brother-in-law was dying. He had been battling cancer for about […]

Guess Who’s Coming for Easter – It’s Probably Not Who You Think

When it comes to Easter, churches tend to roll out the red carpet for visitors. Already major marketing plans are underway to attract the unchurched masses. Anticipating a larger-than-usual crowd, what with the economic situation, pastors and worship teams are meeting to discuss themes, strategies, and tactics to invite the unchurched to consider the […]

Gift and Grow: The Second Step in Discipling

For the week of August 15, 2005

Gift and Grow: The Second Step in Discipling

By: Tom Bandy

Serious spiritual growth is the pivot on which everything turns. Once lives have been changed (see previous leadership tip), the next step is to discover and to receive spiritual gifts. Failure to do this makes your church a revolving door for […]