We’re All Missionaries

Dan Kimball just finished his coaching session for 21st Century Strategies. His message- We shouldnt ask people to join the church; we should ask them to join a mission. His membership class teaches what does it mean to be serving on mission. He then lays hands on every new participant who has gone through […]

Effective Leadership Demands High Trust

Again, this is a preview from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth

Streamline Decision Making with High-Trust Leaders

In most churches, the decision-making process is cumbersome at best and dysfunctional at worst. The solution to the issue is found in mission and vision alignment and in selecting only trustworthy leaders of integrity – and then […]

Church: Know Thyself

Only the pastor knew I was coming to spend Sunday morning with the church. As a secret shopper, my job was to experience the church as a first-time guest. I knew what time the services started and I had the address of the church. My GPS got me to the church without issue, but […]

Two Sides of the Same Coin

It seems as if politics are taking center stage in a lot of Facebook conversations. And many of the conversations inevitably turn to social justice. In fact if you read the online publications of most denominations you will find them filled with social justice projects.

Recently I’ve been involved in a couple of conversations online […]

Children’s Ministry: A Key Issue for Growing a Church

One of the key issues facing most children’s ministry today is the environment in which the teaching takes place.  Most dying churches have what I call “stale environments.” Kids are expected to enter a classroom, sit down, and be still as if they are supposed to study.  The rooms are void of any data […]

A Very Smart Church: A Christmas Eve Reminder

This post is reprinted from friend and colleague Clif Christopher. It ran on his blog last year, but as you plan for your Christmas Eve service, be thinking about these points.

A Very Smart Church

J. Clif Christopher

Quite frequently in this newsletter I write about something that I witnessed a church do that was “stupid” (my […]

How to Grow Your Church

The secret to church growth is that there really isn’t any mystery to growing a church. The principles and practices for how to grow a church are the same ones that have been used since the beginning of the church. The problem isn’t so much about knowing how to grow churches as it is rolling […]

Three Ways to Faith

The following are my thoughts on a small section of Chuck Smith’s book, The End of The World….As We Know It (Waterbrook Press, 2001). I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

Modernity had a way of seeing everything alike, even the way people came to faith. As a result, much of established Christianity made an attempt to […]

Radical Discipleship Is What We Need

Radical Discipleship

The one ingredient missing in many of today’s churches is radical discipleship.[1] Radical discipleship was the norm for the early Christians.

So what is radical discipleship? It is allowing every facet of one’s life to be shaped by the life of Jesus. It’s more than attending a membership class or attending worship or even […]