Dealing with C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T. in Your Church

One of the reasons churches don’t grow is because they are conflicted, and they don’t know how to deal with their conflicts. The potential for conflict exists wherever two or more people are gathered and that is just what the church is and does. Church’s experience conflict because of differing ideas and opinions, contrasting […]

Making an Authentic and Effective Leader


The Making of an Authentic and Effective Leader

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Bill Easum

My studies have shown that almost all authentic and effective leadership are the result of the convergence of four ingredients – their call, preferred leadership style, the context in which they find themselves or choose to be in, […]

The Four Core Processes

I mentioned two things when I spoke one Thursday afternoon in Baltimore: there are only four things that grow a church, and I had never seen a church doing those four things that wasn’t growing. In fact, I challenged my listeners to put those four things in place. I said if they didn’t grow […]

Bar Ministry

From Bill Easum

Keep in mind that Bar ministry isn’t for everyone.  I do not recommend it unless it has something to do with your upbringing and you understand the bar crowd mindset. Also, know that it will take up to a year for you to be accepted and begin to see results.

From our advanced listserv

Pray […]

Who Is My Neighbor?

When I was growing up, if I wanted to play football I had to go out into the neighborhood and put together a team. Playing ball was a neighborhood sport.  Not so anymore. Consider the following.

Today most children who want to play football are driven to an organized program that may consist of children […]

Making Disciples in Our Culture

Have you heard?  The world is ending September 23.  Nibiru, or infamous Planet X, is coming.  All humanity shall perish.  Okay, Nibiru was also supposed to come in 1995, 2003, and 2012.  But…

I like to say that Jesus is coming tomorrow.  One of these days I’m going to be right!

We just experienced an eclipse. […]

Why Kindness: An Invitation to be a World Changer

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]

Lessons from the Parsonage

Lessons from the parsonage
If you have been reading these articles for sometime, I think you are about to notice something about future articles: they are about to become a whole lot more practical and realistic. I am now writing from the perspective of a fellow worker in the trenches.

My new church has a parsonage next door […]

Leading a Church Staff Effectively

I was on a coaching call the other day talking with a pastor of a church of around 500 people in worship. This was the largest church he had ever led and he was frustrated with what he considered to be an ineffective staff. So I asked him to describe the problem. Here’s what […]