The Fortune Cookie

Imagine finishing your meal at the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant. The server brings you the bill and snuggled up against it is a very special Fortune Cookie. I say it’s special because this time it’s going to accurately predict the future. With great anticipation you break open the cookie and eat it completely before […]

The Most Important Day of the Year

The most important day of the year for churches is just around the corner. Christmas Eve, not Easter, is the most important day of the year to reach unchurched people. This fact has been true for decades but it is becoming more true today. So what does this mean for your church? 

One, if you […]

New Wineskins-Part 1

The Wall Street Journal reports that one of the key reasons for the continued growth of McDonalds restaurants is their continually embracing of change. What began as the original fast food provider of burgers, fries and a soft drink or shake, now daily serves pancakes, eggs and bacon or sausage for those who want […]

Good Word of Mouth Begins with a Great 1st Impression

In every Pizza with the Pastor gathering I have ever held for newcomers I would ask the same question, “What did you notice first when you came to our church?

Without fail I would hear repeatedly, “How warmly I was welcomed.”

I would convey that story often to our Hospitality, Ushering, Greeting, and Security (HUGS) Team […]

Little Fails Can Be Epic

I hear a lot about “epic fails” these days. Typically, that means something has gone very wrong – and ended up on YouTube or Facebook. The truck was too tall for the underpass and it took out the bridge. The boat sank because it took on sixteen too many passengers. The kid broke his […]

Hospitality Begins with Signage

Think about times you’ve been embarrassed.  What was the context?  How did you feel?

It wasn’t good, was it?  Being embarrassed is a terrible feeling.  When I’m embarrassed, I’m tempted to turn around and run.  And that’s what I see from you too!

I hang out at a coffeehouse where there’s great service and lively conversation.  […]

8 Crucial Steps to Church Hospitality that Transforms Lives

Every church says they are friendly (hospitable), but that usually is true only among church members themselves.  The experience of the stranger, of the first time visitor, is often very far from a sense of being welcomed.
Let’s be honest.  The call to make disciples and the kingdom goal is at stake here.  It isn’t […]

The Best Way to Retain Visitors

It’s a known fact that it’s easier to keep a new visitor than it is to get a new visitor. So why is it that most churches get only a 15% return rate? The answer is simple – most pastors don’t make an effort to do so. I’ve never understood how a pastor, especially […]

Planning Holiday Outreaches

There are several times during the calendar year when Jesus followers have a unique opportunity to connect the dots between God’s heart and the hearts of the multitudes of hurting people in our community. The Christmas season is perhaps the greatest of those times. In a way, we almost have an unfair advantage, because […]