The Younger Evangelicals – Facing the Challenges of the New World, by Robert E. Webber (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, a division of Baker Book House Company, 2002) 283 pages, paperback, $15.99. (Obtain from Baker Book House, PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516
This book will blow many of your stereotypes about effective worship styles. It is a foundational book for understanding where we are going.
As I read it, I wondered if, like the present world, the emerging world is going to be as black and white as Webber paints it. By this I mean that he basically is saying that the contemporary style that has characterized the past thirty years is now being totally called into question as shallow and unable to convey God’s presence to the new generation of folks. I wonder if the emerging world will be that unified in its tastes. In spite of that, I found the book to be fascinating and well worth the praise of being one of the top ten books on my reading list.
Robert Webber, The Younger Evangelicals
The Younger EvangelicalsRobert Webber
The Younger Evangelicals – Facing the Challenges of the New World, by Robert E. Webber (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, a division of Baker Book House Company, 2002) 283 pages, paperback, $15.99. (Obtain from Baker Book House, PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516
This book will blow many of your stereotypes about effective worship styles. It is a foundational book for understanding where we are going.
As I read it, I wondered if, like the present world, the emerging world is going to be as black and white as Webber paints it. By this I mean that he basically is saying that the contemporary style that has characterized the past thirty years is now being totally called into question as shallow and unable to convey God’s presence to the new generation of folks. I wonder if the emerging world will be that unified in its tastes. In spite of that, I found the book to be fascinating and well worth the praise of being one of the top ten books on my reading list.
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