Frost and Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come

Frost and HirschThe Shaping of Things To Come

This is a book that should be read by every Christian who knows something is wrong with today’s version of Christianity but can’t put their finger on what it is. The authors challenge every facet of Christianity today from ordination to the traditional creeds and offer a […]

The Biggest Lesson I Ever Learned

One of the best things about getting older is the lessons learned along the way.  Let me share the biggest lesson I learned.  It’s so simple but it’s what makes life exciting and productive.  Here it is: “The more you risk, the greater the possible return.”

I’m convinced that the main reason so many churches are […]

Three Things I’ve Learned

I was speaking with a pastor in Iowa the other day and shared that I’d just completed forty years in parish ministry. He offered some generous congratulatory sentiments and thanked me for my service. But then he paused and asked me a really great question: “What has God been showing you during that time?”

I […]

If You Have a Blurry Vision, You Have a Bleak Future

You’ve heard me say it before. If you’ve got to herd cats, you’ll need a bigger mouse.

Your church cats will chase the biggest mouse in the room, and if your Big Mouse Vision is smaller than someone else’s, you’ll lose their attention every time. The wise and successful pastor stays on his/her knees until […]

Don’t Make These Five Leadership Selection Gaffs

The pastor was sharing his frustration about one of his executive team members during a recent consultation. “No matter what I do, Cyndi finds a problem with pretty much anything I suggest. She either tries to fix what’s not broken or she sabotages the idea completely. I wish I’d never invited her onto the team, but now […]

Thoughts on the Way Forward for UMC

The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that’s the direction we’re going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option One is essentially to stay the course and hold those accountable who do not follow the constitution. Option Two, rewrites the […]