Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

It’s a Flea Circus … Oh Wait, That’s the Church

Glenn Kelley at www.churchmedic.com found a great 60 second video on how to train fleas in three days. It’s a great video and I’ve embedded it here as well. Take a look and then scroll down for more.

I’ve often quipped that if a church tries something new in worship it’s called innovation. If it […]

The World Doesn’t Need More Pastors

When I restarted a church in 1969, I shared the following mission statement: “Every member a minister.” In 1982 the statement changed to “Every person a minister.” In 1990 the statement changed again to “Every person a missionary.”

When I left that church in 1993, 80 percent of the people were involved in some form […]

The Future of Church Consulting

I began consulting with churches part time in 1987. I’ve been a full time consultant to churches since 1990. My consulting firm, 21st Century Strategies, Inc. has been around for twenty-two years. So I’ve had time to see a lot of changes in church consulting over the years- some good and some not so […]

Growing a Church from 500-900

I’m constantly asked about the keys to moving through the various barriers churches face. Over the years I compiled my list.  Since this post was lost in the transfer of our site, I’m reposting it.

Staff becomes far more essential to the journey.
Pastor has to hone his or her hiring skills.
All staff […]

The Spiritual Traveler: On a Journey Toward Wholeness

I, Randy, listen to many people throughout my day.  I listen to people in the dog park, in the coffee shop, in the diner, at the gym, and in line at the burrito stand.  I hear so many times from various people, “I am not religious, but I am very spiritual.”  I have wondered […]

Why New Plants Start Declining Early

I’m working with a church established in the 1990s that grew up to 200 the year it moved into its permanent building in the late 90’s. Then it began to decline and has been declining every year since and is now down in the low 100’s.

We see this kind of decline often in new […]

Why I Needed a Consultant, Twice

I think most people would say I was a good leader while pastoring. All three of my churches grew while I was there. Still, twice I needed to bring in a consultant.

Lyle Schaller was the first consultant.  I had been at the church for eleven or twelve years after restarting the church and some […]

1954-Jerusalem or Antioch

It marked the beginning of a profound cultural shift and the gradual end of five hundred years of modern history known as “Modernity.” It caused polite society to blush in anger and teenagers to dance with joy. It went virtually unnoticed by church leaders even  though it was to have a profound effect on Christianity.
May 10, 1954, […]