Classic Worship Leaders and Worship Bands

Music isn’t just a part of worship for today’s generations – it is the primary act of worship. Whereas classic worship services break up songs with other worship tools, such as responsive readings, prayers, etc., successful alternative worship services produce music sets similar to that of a concert, with one song leading directly into […]

Small Group Mistake

The mistake most churches make trying to develop a small group system is that they focus on starting small groups. Instead, they should focus on developing leaders who develop other leaders and release them for ministry. There are a minimum of four levels of leaders needed for such a system to multiply and be […]

Three Great Books this Summer

My reading this summer hasn’t produced a lot of excellent books, but it has produced three excellent books that are worth purchasing.

Perhaps the best book of this summer and perhaps this year is The Age of the Unthinkable, By Joshua Cooper Ramo

If you’re ready to stretch your brain and learn from a wide variety […]

In the Middle of the Worship Wars

In the Middle of the Worship Wars…
The Quest for Authentic Worship in the Postmodern Era

By Cathy Townley

Worship wars are alive and well. I’m surprised. I thought we had moved beyond them. But lately, I’ve been working with pastors who want help stopping fights between factions because one group thinks the other’s worship is “inauthentic.” […]

The Sudan Project

For the past six Christmas seasons, Pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio, has been calling attendees of his church to spend only half as much as they would normally spend on their own family’s Christmas and to bring the rest in for a Christmas Miracle Offering to serve the people […]

Study: It’s Not Teacher, but Method that Matters

Below is an article that should be speaking volumes into every pastor’s heart and mind who is committed to sharing the Gospel in ways that can be heard and make sense. The day of the “sermon” as we know it is dead … or at least should be. -BTB

Published: May 12, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – Who’s […]

Church’s Three Common Christmas Catastrophes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. At least for the church it is … or should be. This is the one time of the year when the word Christ, though well disguised, is on the lips of pretty much everyone regardless of their beliefs. This is the one season of the year […]

Things I learned at the 2011 National Evangelism Workshop

Another one’s in the books and the Nashville NEW 2011 appears to have been a success on many levels. Since many of you weren’t able to make this year’s event, I thought I’d share some of the things I picked up from the event.

One of the highlights was Ed Stetzer’s keynote address. He used […]

Planning for a Summer Hump Instead of a Summer Slump

It goes without saying that most pastors know that worship attendance in the summer usually marks the all time low for the year.  We know not only attendance but income will slump. We don’t think it has to, at least not as much as most churches experience.  We think the Summer Slump is almost a self-fulfilling […]