More about the Missional Church

Iā€™ve been thinking a lot lately about the growing use of the word ā€œmissionalā€ to describe the church. Iā€™ve seen so many definitions of the word that it makes my head spin. Still, I offer you another definition in the hopes of simplifying the issue.

A missional church is a baptized community of people called […]

When Asked “What Is Missional,” What Do You Say?

The other day in a seminar a middle-aged woman asked me to define whatĀ I meant by the Missional Church. I quickly replied, “A missional church is organized around mission.” Mission is their organizing principle.Ā  A missional church doesnt have a Missions Committee; it is a mission. Missions ins’t one program among many; it is […]

Turnaround Is Messy and Lonely

Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit. When you consider where the church is and where it needs to go, attempting a turn around appears to be an […]

Was Your Father’s Day Service Special?

Letā€™s face it, guys. Fatherā€™s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. Itā€™s the,ā€œI get-no-respectā€ little brother to Motherā€™s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Fatherā€™s Day was first proposed in 1909 by a grateful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a Civil War veteran, singlehandedly raised six children after his wife died in […]

Are You All About Growing Churches? Or Making Disciples?

That’s a question I receivedĀ today fromĀ someoneĀ who was asking based on an email invitation their receivedĀ to tomorrow’s seminarĀ on spiritual conversations and evangelismĀ that I’m holding.Ā I decided to treat the questionĀ as if it was a real question, as opposed to a snarkyĀ question that impliedĀ something completely different.

Here’s my response:

Few churches have the tools to walk someone who is […]

A Pastor’s Biggest Mistake

Well, I could list several but one stands out above all the rest – the pastor gets caught up in the church machinery and loses sight of what makes it all go around – building the Kingdom one person at a time.

I’ve watched dozens of church planters get 125 people in worship by focusing […]

An Amazing Fact and How it Plays Out for Churches

This year people will spend 2.1 billion on Easter Candy.Ā  You read that correctly- 21 billion.Ā  Thank what could be done with that amount of money to do good instead of putting pounds on the average person.

So the next time you decide to take a bite of that chocolate Easter bunny think how many […]

Multi-Site – Trend or Fad???

Last week I was in Eugene Oregon at Wayne Cordeiro’s farm working with Leadership Network.Ā  There were two other mentors like Wayne and myself along with around 20 25-35 year old pastors.Ā  All of them were outside of the mainstream, were leading growing churches, and were multi site or were getting ready to go […]

Why I Prefer Antioch over the Jerusalem Church

I believe the primary mission of the local church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Ā If I believe that, then everything my church does should be pointed toward that goal. Ā If I believe that, then I must also believe that making disciples doesn’t begin inside the church, it begins out in the community […]