People Are Being Programmed To Death

I never thought I would be writing an article like this one. I still remember telling churches they needed to be a seven day a week church if they wanted to grow. But no more!
One of the new realities of the new breed of reproducing churches is the less they do the more they […]

Leaving Planet Earth: The Secret

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]

Why Some Churches Grow and Others Do Not

We believe every pastor wants to enable their church to thrive and reach its potential. We want to help you do just that.

We’ve noticed something along the way. Successful pastors have different belief systems and do things differently than unsuccessful pastors. One can believe all he or she wants to, but if it isn’t […]

Six Steps to the Best Christmas Eve Ever

Christmas Eve is the one time in our culture where people are still somewhat likely to consider going to church when that is not the norm for them.  So good preparation and prayer are essential for this prime moment.

I am writing this at the end of October.  By now you should have a good […]

How Good Is Your “To Be” List?

Over the years I have taught that it is more important to have a “to be” list than a “to do” list. A “to be” list is a list of people you are mentoring to be more than they are at the moment.  I’ve found that it is best to keep the list to […]

To Whom Do Teams Report?

From Bill Easum

Ministry Teams report to different people in different size churches. In small church to the pastor. In a large church to a variety of people. Core teams (those you cannot exist without) report to a staff person who also meets with them or stays in close touch with them. Other teams report […]

Reaching Your Congregation With Text-to-Give: 3 Tips

For years, churches have relied on traditional face-to-face fundraising to raise revenue for their operational costs, youth programs, and charitable work. However, as new technology innovations have become available, organizations have been able to take a more modern approach to raising funds and connecting with their audience. Of these new innovations, the most notable […]

The First Strategy for Church Growth

The following post is a rough draft of a section in Chapter 1  in our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.
Grow Spiritual Leaders to Grow Spiritual Members
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church and […]

Looking for the Living Among the Dead

The second church I pastored was a small church of about two hundred in worship in the Rio Grande Valley. The week before my first Easter the Chairperson of the Board came to my office to ask me what turned out to be a very important question (not all of his questions were worth […]