Want Popcorn with Your Worship?

Prior to March 11, my wife and I went to the cinema almost every Friday. Thankfully, we mostly have the same taste in movies, so we saw a lot of action and adventure, some mystery, an occasional sci-fi, some rom-coms, and even a few Hallmark wannabe’s. A bucket of popcorn and the largest diet […]

Pipeline or Drainpipe Discipleship?

Does your ministry look more like a drainpipe than a pipeline for making disciples?

In a world like today, where more and more people are growing up outside the influence on a church, this could be the most important question you will ever ask if you’re a pastor. So what kind of ministry is a […]

When You’re Invisible, Get Noticed

My first church out of seminary had a cute little building on what the B-52s called The Atlanta Highway, better known by the locals as Highway 78. That highway ran between Athens and Atlanta and through both Between (yes, a real town) and Loganville. Ron Levin was pastor of the Between Methodist Church and […]


Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster but have a strange suicidal habit. These little guys have a built-in sense of when their numbers are too numerous for their own good. When there are too many of them in a herd and their […]

Reaching Millennials

Remember when it was all the rage in mainline churches to write and preach about how different it was to try to reach Baby Boomers, then Gen Xers? Now we are faced with the same challenge to reach Millennials. It seems that things never change for mainliners – we are always behind the curve, […]

Beyond the Box Leaders

By Bill Easum

First, you have to understand that there are two kinds of beyond the box churches – conventional and unconventional.   The following categories apply mainly to the conventional beyond the box church although some of them apply to both.   For more on this see my book Beyond the Box

Lead Pastors Role

1.          The live […]

Member Giving: It Is Your Business

I can’t tell you how many pastors have said to me, “I don’t want to know what my members give. That’s between them and God.”

But the reality is, if you’re the lead pastor, what your members give IS your business. 

When I was a church planter, my trainer asked us, “What is the #1 […]

Pastoral Care is Out the Window

It’s finally happening. A large percentage of highly effective pastors are dropping pastoral care from their agenda. Instead they are focusing on being the spiritual leader who sets the culture of the congregation and mentors the core leaders.

Does this mean that pastoral care doesn’t happen? Certainly not. But it does mean the traditional way […]

Why Your Church Can’t Afford Mass Media Advertising

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been telling church leaders that getting into the mass media advertising game is, by and large, a colossal waste of money – unless your church can afford to spend upwards of $25,000 per campaign (per event you are advertising).  Some of the reasons for this are pretty obvious, […]