Pastor and Staff

From Bill Easum

I would say that no matter what the circumstances, unless moral
failure, the loyalty of the staff must be to the senior pastor without
hesitation.  When a staff member cant do that they should leave for
good of the church.

It means never, ever, contradicting whatever the staff decides at the
staff table. it means praying for one […]

Thinking Like the Unchurched

I used to fish a lot. And one of the things I had to learn was to fish where there were fish. That makes sense. But to accomplish that I had to learn how to think like a fish. Fish don’t think, but if they did they wouldn’t think the way we do. If […]

Microsoft’s Top Twelve

By: Jeff Patton

Monday Morning Insights posted this “rant”.  I think it is worth the look (

“This is how Microsoft keeps going and growing into the world leader in computers… each time you see the word “company” think “church”.

1) Hire the Best People-(How many churches hire poorly and then really pay for it?  Hire the best […]

Want Popcorn with Your Worship?

Prior to March 11, my wife and I went to the cinema almost every Friday. Thankfully, we mostly have the same taste in movies, so we saw a lot of action and adventure, some mystery, an occasional sci-fi, some rom-coms, and even a few Hallmark wannabe’s. A bucket of popcorn and the largest diet […]

It’s Nominations Time: Thou Shalt Not Settle

Here’s yet another excerpt from 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

One of the missing ingredients in today’s church is accountability. As church leaders, we are often so grateful to have volunteers who serve that we’re willing to overlook poor attitudes, bad behavior, and even a lack of integrity. In other words, we settle for […]

Getting Noticed by the Media

Most of the time, when a church leader starts thinking about the need for marketing, they’re thinking about a specific event (like the annual Christmas bazaar, Easter service, the Habitat build, etc.) and they tend to think advertising – which is expensive. In this blog, however, we’ll be exploring how to get the media’s […]

When You’re Invisible, Get Noticed

My first church out of seminary had a cute little building on what the B-52s called The Atlanta Highway, better known by the locals as Highway 78. That highway ran between Athens and Atlanta and through both Between (yes, a real town) and Loganville. Ron Levin was pastor of the Between Methodist Church and […]

Stop Inviting People to Church… and Grow Your Church Anyway

Recently, I was working with a church that desperately wants to grow… well, the pastor wants it to grow. He asked his core leaders about their inviting experiences and they all said shades of the same thing: “I’ve invited all my friends to church and they’re not interested.”

Well, duh!!

Unless you happen to be inviting […]

Alternatives for Sunday School

In my book Dancing with Dinosaurs (1993) I predicted the end of adult Sunday school.  Now we are seeing many new Southern Baptist Churches starting with no adult Sunday school and instead small groups that meet in the homes.

Now it’s time to make another prediction which has already begun and will soon be a trend […]