A Jobless Recovery

The latest edition of Leadership Network Advance had this headline – Freeze of Hire! The headline followed with examples of how some churches are handling the economic crunch the country is experiencing today.

It wasn’t long ago a survey was done by I forget who, but they were reputable, in which the conclusion was drawn […]

Team Model for Hiring

A Team Concept for Hiring
One of the most crucial responsibilities of a senior pastor of a church with one hundred and fifty people or more in worship is the discovery, recruitment, coaching, and empowerment of a diverse, talented staff who are all pursuing the same goal. As a church grows larger, this responsibility becomes more […]

Essentials for Moving from Attractional to Missional

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I’m constantly being asked how to transition a church from purely attractional to truly missional. It’s a good question because if a church is purely attractional, it’s not really a church. So here is how I respond.

At least four things have to take place before such a transition can be made. Here […]

Looking for Myth Busters

There are a few myths I keep running into that I feel are hurting churches’ chances of reaching the unreached population in the US. So I thought I would share five of the biggest myths I’ve heard lately.

Myth One: An acoustic service is a great way to reach new people.  The fact is […]

Time for Kids

With kids going back to school, now is a great time to think about reaching kids with the gospel of Christ by attracting them to your children’s ministry. I have long believed that attracting young families can be crucial to your church’s growth. I even dedicated a chapter of my new book Church Turnaround […]

Stop Developing Leaders, Get More Ministry Done, and Grow Your Church

The lack of leadership is one of the top reasons pastors and other church leaders point to for why their church isn’t growing. “We need more leaders to get the job done. Our current leadership is tired and overworked.”

When quizzed about what they’re doing to raise up more leaders, the answers tend to include […]

What is the Secret to Effective Worship?

I am driven by the terrible fact that only about 15% of Americans worship as Christians on a given weekend.  This consumes me.  In a country where we are free to worship, why do so many refrain?

What about you?  Are you like me?  Are you distressed by our worship reality?  Do you wonder how […]

PrayerPower Network

…died, my dad lost his faith. He renounced God and left the church they’d devoted so much time and energy to. After that I began the search for why people…

What Mainline Pastors Can Learn from Non-Mainline Planters

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been conducting interviews with pastors of church planting churches, and a couple of things keep reoccurring in all of the interviews. I thought I would single them out and show what mainline denominations could learn from them.
Church Planting Common Denominators
A Kingdom orientation is the number one thing […]