Church’s Three Common Christmas Catastrophes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. At least for the church it is … or should be. This is the one time of the year when the word Christ, though well disguised, is on the lips of pretty much everyone regardless of their beliefs. This is the one season of the year […]

Dealing with the Press

Online Conversation

It is very wise to deal cautiously and carefully with the Press since most of them bring some serious bias or prejudice to the interview and will usually print only what they want to out of an interview even if it is not important to the interview. The headline is about all most […]

Does Your Church Need Resurrection or Revitalization?

All of us know that 80% of the churches in the U.S. are either in decline or on a plateau, with the congregation getting older each year.  This trend has been going on since the mid 1960’s in every denomination with nothing in site to suggest it will change.  At this pace traditional Christianity […]

Five Things Matter Most in the Emerging World

Few people will argue with the statement that we have entered a totally new world since 9/11. This new world had been dawning since the 1960s, but now we are fully into a new world. So what will it take to flourish in this kind of world? What are the down and dirty, quick […]

Five and a Half Secrets to Getting Out of the Office

There’s an old saying that goes, “Pastor, you can’t be faithful to the Great Commission if you’re stuck inside your office” (okay, so it’s not that old of a saying). But the truth is there nonetheless. We’ve found that pastors of turnaround churches (and larger, growing churches as well) spend less time in their office and more […]

Doing Church in Tough Times

Doing Church in Tough Times: Create an Opportunity Ethos

There’s no question the times are tough. The economy is in the tank. Unemployment is rising faster than soda pop bubbles. The banking industry is on the ropes. The Big Three auto makers are on their knees. And no one knows who’s going down next. Even […]

Why I Prefer Antioch over the Jerusalem Church

I believe the primary mission of the local church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  If I believe that, then everything my church does should be pointed toward that goal.  If I believe that, then I must also believe that making disciples doesn’t begin inside the church, it begins out in the community […]

Cleaning Toilets

We went out to connect with retail shops by offering to clean their toilets. We simply walked into these places with our cleaning kits in hand and said, “Hi, we’re here to clean your toilets – for free – to show you a bit of God’s kindness.” Pretty much everyone gave us a funny […]

Everything Must Change

By Brian McLaren

As are all of McLaren’s book, Everything Must Change is extremely well written and researched prose bordering at times on poetry. His theme is simple yet profound – unless everything changes in our approach to the suicidal systems story that drives today’s world life on this planet isn’t sustainable. He argues for Christians to believe a […]