Worship Leader’s Job Description

Bill Easum 2007


Position Objective:Ā To provide pastoral leadership to the worship ministries of (your church).

This should reflect whatever mission or vision statement you have.

Position Description:Ā The worship pastor will be the ā€œproducerā€ of each worship service and special programs.Ā  Although the senior pastor is the ā€œdirectorā€ in terms of setting the theme and overall direction, […]

Eco Outreach

It is becoming increasingly clear that if outreaches to our cities are not both caring for the people as well as aware of the environmental footprint we leave behind we are not going to make our greatest impression. It is high time that we open our peepers to become aware of the complete imprint […]

Why the Pastor Should Know What People Give

Recently I have been asked by a couple of people why aĀ pastor should know what everyone gives. As one person said, “Doesn’t that cause you to play favorites?”

It just so happened that the next day I wasĀ asked to read the galleys of J. Clif Christopher’s new book, titled Whose Offering Plate is It?Ā This is […]

Flip Your Church Step 3: Develop Congregational Unity

For some, the thought of congregational unity may be more like a fantasyĀ than a vision of reality, and yet there are churches dotted across the nation that are not only missionally aligned, but they are unified in all they do. That doesnā€™t mean the members are all automatons or that everyone agrees with everything. […]

There are Better Places for Kids than “Big Church”

According to the American Religious Identification Survey (from Trinity College, Hartford, CT) the fastest growing religious affiliation growing in North America is the unaffiliated. Called “the church of the nones” by scholars, these are people who were once affiliated with the Christian faith, but have ā€œopted outā€ of faith. Although many, perhaps even a […]

Play to Your Strengths

One of the most disconcerting practices I find in the church is the near obsession we have with our faults and our weaknesses. Iā€™m not sure who to blame for what amounts to bad theology, but it seems that Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley may all share some of it. Or perhaps itā€™s the […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part III

So far we have examined the Emergent and Incarnational Movements. Today we examine the Organic movement.

The OrganicĀ Movement

The Organic movement is a kissing cousin to the Incarnational movement and a distant cousin to the Emergent movement. Compared to the other two movements it sees little to no need for the institutional church. But unlike the […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore

Over the next few days I will be exploring some of the key conversations occurring within Western Christianity.

The Morphing Protestant Scene

We all know our world has radically changed over the past few decades. I first wrote about this change in 1993 in my book Dancing with Dinosaurs[i].Ā In my book,Ā I described the change as a […]

Staffing Made Simple

One of the main bugaboos of many pastors is learning how to staff a church. Ā In reality, knowing how to staff is simple if you just use your noggin.

The following is based on any size church. If the church has underĀ 500 in worship, some of the following staff should beĀ volunteer or one paid staff […]