Reggie McNeal, Revolution in Leadership

McNeal, ReggieRevolution in Leadership

(Abingdon Press, 1998).

McNeal sees Christianity at a crossroads that requires a new form of leadership …. apostolic leadership, the kind of leadership exhibited by the first church disciples. McNeal recognizes the present lack of such leadership and offers a solution… the learning community. This book not only offers a clear and […]

Mack, Michael, The Pocket Guide to Burn-Out Free Small Group Leadership

Michael Mack is the founder of and  has been a long term player in the small group game.
Michal Mack has given us one of the most helpful and practical books on how to organize a small group ministry so your leaders won’t burn out. In this book he demonstrates how to team shepherd rather than lead […]

Four Leadership Team Dynamics


4 Leadership Team Dynamics to Put on Your Radar

By: John Laster

Healthy congregational leadership has reached an endangered species level. If effective local congregational leadership was a bird or native plant, there would long since have been concerted efforts to protect the species. The scope of the leadership crisis is brought into focus by Paul […]

What is Leadership?

What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for someone to succeed as a leader is a deep conviction that what they are attempting is God’s plan for them at […]

Leadership Tips

Here are some things I’m seeing and some comments on books I’ve read all of which point up some leadership tips.

Tip One

I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service to their Sunday schedule and in two or three years it is the largest church. I just got an email from Bedford Church […]

How Do You Spell Leadership?

For the week of February 20, 2006

How Do You Spell Leadership

By: Bill Easum

How do you SPELL leadership? Try it this way: Specific Preparation Enables Loving Leaderships. I imagine all of us understand that to preach a great sermon requires various forms of preparation. That’s sort of obvious. But what isn’t as obvious is that […]

Coaching Tip: Keep a Leadership Journal

Some people are more organized than I am and do things in a more disciplined fashion. Many of these people find it helpful to keep a “Leadership Journal” in which to chronicle their leadership development as it happens.

In this journal a person might put the following:

1. Cause and Effect events. “I responded this way […]

Leadership Alone Is Not Enough

For the week of January 02, 2006

Leadership Alone is Not Enough

By: Bruce Cole

New Hope Christian Fellowship’s Wayne Cordeiro teaches leaders, “Leadership alone is not enough to take our churches into what God has for us. It must be linked with the word “spiritual.” Here’s a simple way to make sure you’re keeping “spiritual” linked […]

The Leadership Code

This is an excerpt from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

One of the serious shortcomings of most centers of higher learning is that they educate the head but fail to train the student. The difference between teaching and training is this: effective teaching focuses on passing information from teacher to student (some call […]