Eating Crow Over Mega Church

Bill Easum

I may have to eat some serious crow.

Several years ago I made the observation that we were entering a time when the rise of mega churches would begin to decline.  I have to back off of that observation. The picture is shaping up quit differently than I thought it would.  The mega church […]

Following Jesus into the Mission Field

Those who follow my writing know I believe we are living in a pivotal period of history in which everything that will be is being separated from everything that was. In such a traumatic period, all the rules of the game of life are called into question.
Christianity and the Scriptures are the result of […]

Postmodern Contrast to Modern

The following are some contrasts between modernity and postmodernity

Modern – intellect, teaching, know
PoMo- spirit, experience, sense

Modern – linear thinking and processes
PoMo – overlapping, juxtaposition without contradiction

Modern – either/or
PoMo – both/and/also

Modern – prove it to me
PoMo – show me

Modern – institutional
PoMo – organic

Modern – utopic vision for future society
PoMo – change or be changed – […]

An Interview with Frank Viola

I had a chance to chat with Frank Viola recently.  You may recall, Frank has published some very controversial books lately.  Then along came Jesus Manifesto coauthored with Len Sweet, a long time friend.   When I asked Frank if he would talk with me about the book, he was gracious to talk to me.  Here […]

Shift Happens 2014

Our culture keeps on marching… and unfortunately, the North American church seems to fall further and further behind. I regularly begin church training exercises by showing the “Shift Happens” YouTube video that was initially uploaded back in 2008. The response to the video by the average layperson is typically shock … especially for those […]

The Horrible Irony – Freedom Equals Complacency

I sat watching my recorded session of “Meet The Press”. I had a tear in my eye. 20 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down and freedom was returned to East Germany. It was a great sight to watch again how the people from both sides of the Wall celebrated its destruction. Hammers, picks, […]

What’s All This About Seekers

We hear a lot of conversation today about whether or not to have a “seeker” form of worship. Some say worship should be “seeker sensitive” while others talk about “seeker driven.” Some congregations have both “seeker services” and “believer services,” most notably the renowned Willow Creek Community Church. A hard example to take exception […]

Defining and Measuring Transformation

Over the years I’ve found that it can be both tempting and easy to get caught up in the nearly endless discussions around definitions and measurements. When it comes to church transformation in North America, this discussion too often opens as the trap of distraction. The distraction of definitions and measurements has provided far […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Property

I believe the 21st century will be more like the first century than the 20th. If this is so, then mainstream Christianity’s understanding of property will undergo profound change. What property was to the 20th century, relationships and community will be to the 21st century. That spells trouble for most of the traditional ways of […]