An Amazing Fact and How it Plays Out for Churches

This year people will spend 2.1 billion on Easter Candy.  You read that correctly- 21 billion.  Thank what could be done with that amount of money to do good instead of putting pounds on the average person.

So the next time you decide to take a bite of that chocolate Easter bunny think how many […]

9/11 Ten Year Anniversary

Coming up in September we will celebrate (if that is the proper word for it) the 10th anniversary of the fateful day of 9/11.  If there was any doubt that the world has fundamentally changed, 9/11 should settle that.

Now the real question is, what are you planning in the way of a celebration that […]

Turn Around Lessons in Year Ten!

After a decade serving and leading in a turn around church, God has taught me several lessons.  They keep in spirit with the lessons I wrote about five years ago, but have more focus.  Here they are:

The most important life I lead is my own.  Self-leadership has pushed itself to the top of my […]

A Pastor’s Biggest Mistake

Well, I could list several but one stands out above all the rest – the pastor gets caught up in the church machinery and loses sight of what makes it all go around – building the Kingdom one person at a time.

I’ve watched dozens of church planters get 125 people in worship by focusing […]

Why Do Baseball Players Spit and Football Players Scratch Their Butts

I’ve been stuck in a hotel with the flu for five days so I have lots of time to ask dumb questions. With nothing to do but sneeze and cough and watch TV, I turned to the Yankees and Red Sox game.  That afternoon, still with nothing to do, I watched  the Colts game […]

God Has Given Us a Huge Opportunity

Are you aware there are car dealerships all over the country that are just setting there without any buyers? And they not only have lots of parking, they also have lots of open space, and usually a great location. What an opportunity for church plants ready for their own space or churches ready to […]

21st Century Strategies is Now on Facebook- Become a Fan

I am transfering most of my attention from my facebook profile to our 21st Century Strategies page.  Please go to  and become a fan

The Most Misunderstood Man in Christianity

To some, Donald A. McGavran was one of the greatest missiologists in Christian history. To others, his name is almost synonymous with the devil.  Those who malign McGavran have simply misunderstood him. They say all he was about was numbers. They say he was responsible for pastors building large churches around the homogeneous model. […]

The Top Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do to a […]