Easter Sunday Checklist

It was over twenty-five years I walked into a tent that
would revolutionize the way I would forever pastor a congregation. Soon after
being called to the First Christian Church of Norwalk California, I began
hearing about a church in Orange County that was doing big things. The church
was Saddleback Valley Community Church and I decided to […]

Planting a Church 2007

By: Jeff Patton

If you are going to plant a church, here is my sense of it in 2007.


1.  Find your heart burst, what you just can’t live without doing—life is too short to live boring lives…

2.  Get a job.  A job that will support you and you will need to work at least 30 hours […]

Tips for Making Christmas Eve More Powerful

Christmas and Christmas Eve services are just like any other services in that there are some things you should do and some things you shouldn’t do if you want to connect with the public. Here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years that make Christmas Eve more powerful.

When planning the services […]

Spark: Igniting a Culture of Multiplication

Reading Spark, by Todd Wilson, filled my eyes with tears. Where was this book when I restarted my church? What a difference it might have made. Folks, this is the first book of 2015 that will go on my classics list.

The author addressed both the problem and the solution when it comes to developing a […]

Teeny Tiny Thinking

Back at home and trying to get back in the groove of things. As I reflect on my time at the World Convention of the Christian Church, one of the things that niggles me is that ostensibly the purpose of our meeting was to help instill unity amongst the three strands of the Campbelite […]

Exponential West 2015

Hey folks, I’m going to be at Exponential West, the largest gathering of church planters in the world, and I’d love to see you there.  It’s that good, and its not just for planters.  For example, I’m doing a pre-conference called “Giving New Life To A Stuck Church,” and then I will do two […]

Making a Difference

The U.S. is full of clergy who go from day to day with no plan for how to make their world a better place. They do what others want them to do as if that is why God put them here. Well, I don’t think that’s God’s plan. I think when God calls us, he […]

Four Levels of Maturity

Congregations have four levels of maturity – okay, good, quality, and excellence. As the church grows in numbers, it must also grow in its maturity. People expect more the larger a church becomes, and it takes more maturity to disciple people as the church grows. So here is how it works. Rate where your […]

Reimagining the Church

<b>By BillEasum</b>
Frank Viola’s Reimagining the Church is a logical sequel to his book Pagan Christianity. Like the former book, this one is a meticulous, interesting, disturbing look at the New Testament understanding of the early church.  What’s interesting is I agreed with much of Pagan Christianity but not with much of Reimagining the church.
In […]