The Secret to Finding People Who Don’t Go to Church

Jesus said to “Go!” and make disciples.  But where do we go?

A big issue in contemporary church is that most Christians only interact with other church people.  If you are a follower of Jesus, how many friends do you have who don’t go to church?  Do you need to change that?

I recently did a […]

Beyond Ritual and Stuff

The conversations lately on the listserve had suggested this leadership tip. One of the things that has been helpful to me in my journey is to refocus now and then. Here’s what I mean by that. It is easy over a period of time to buy into ideas and beliefs that really are more […]

Mentoring Moment

We all know that churches grow when they create a flow of experience that draws seekers into a process that shapes disciples. The language to describe this is something like, “Welcome, Grow, Send”. I refer to the fives steps of “Change, Gift, Call, Equip, and Send”. The graphic you see on any given website […]

Church in the Post-Pandemic World

The other day, ECG Partner Scott Musselman shot me a note about something I’d written that referenced the post-pandemic church. He said that his church wasn’t post-pandemic yet! And of course he’s completely correct – the Great Pandemic of 2020 hasn’t given up its ghost and doesn’t seem like it will any time soon. […]

Life Is a Series of New Chapters

Moving through life is like reading chapters in a book. Most people read one chapter at a time.  Life is the same – as you move through life, you open and close one chapter at a time with each chapter usually focusing on a different theme or emphasis.

I remember when I closed the chapter on pastoring […]

The Biggest Lesson I Ever Learned

One of the best things about getting older is the lessons learned along the way.  Let me share the biggest lesson I learned.  It’s so simple but it’s what makes life exciting and productive.  Here it is: “The more you risk, the greater the possible return.”

I’m convinced that the main reason so many churches are […]

Congregational Trust Building

Take a good look around at your next church board meeting. Listen to the questions and the comments. Look at the faces. More importantly, though, look at the body language.

What does it tell you?

If you’re like many church leaders, you might conclude it’s a pretty grim scene with a lot of crossed arms, rolled […]

Leadership Roles

Confusion frequently abounds regarding the functional role of the official Leadership Team of the congregation. Congregations and leaders themselves seldom seriously consider the diversity of expectations surrounding the roles of church leadership. Think about the different perspectives present within a congregation regarding how leaders, whether that be the elders, council, pastor, session, board, or […]

Top 8 Reasons for Being a Church of Missional Small Groups

Before I share this list, let me explain the difference between missional small groups and small groups.  Small groups get together to share life around the Scriptures, apprentice new leaders, and form new groups, and may or may not have a mission beyond the small group. Mission and ministry are the heart of missional […]