Most Small Groups Are a Waste of Time

Most small groups I see in churches are a waste of time because most of them are little more than data dumps. They are Bible studies that go nowhere other than gaining more knowledge of the Bible and in some cases fellowship. And those aren’t enough.

I’m convinced that in the  world we live in […]

Virtual Discipleship: Part 01

“So, what about online discipleship? How do you make that work?”

A quick perusal of churches on the internet reveals that the US church is all over the map in terms of virtual discipleship offerings. Many churches have virtually nothing at all (pun intended!). Some have opted to turn their Bible Studies and Sunday School […]

Mission Statements

Five good books for creating a Mission Statement:

The Path, by Laurie Beth Jones, New York, NY, Hyperion, 1996Managing By Values, by Ken Blanchard and Michael O’Connor, San Francisco, Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 1997****Building A Shared Vision, C. Patrick Lewis, Portland, OR,     Productivity Press, 1997Built to Last, James Collins, and Jerry Porras, Harper     Business, 1997Clarifying our […]

Creating a Body of Christ Culture

Church leaders constantly ask us how to get people to commit enough time to do lay ministries. “My people are just too busy,” they say.

Folks, let’s face it; that’s nothing more than a copout from doing authentic ministry. Most people have time to do what is meaningful to them. Sure, time is now as […]

To Tech or Not to Tech? That’s Not Even a Question Anymore

The latest blog post by Bill Easum sparked a number of lively conversations on both our LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. I started to reply there, but as my response grew, it seemed more appropriate to bring it here to the public forum.

The responses mostly included assertions that the church has become too focused or […]

Flip Your Church Step 4: Become Missionary to the Community

(Deu 10:19)  You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
I heard a great sermon the other day that spoke about our strangeness. God reminds the Hebrews that they’re to love the stranger because they were once strangers.

As members of the church, we often forget who the “strangers” […]

A Pastor’s Look at AI

In recent years, the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tools like ChatGPT has stirred a significant buzz in various sectors, and the church is no exception. The word ‘Change’ often sends a shiver down the spine in church circles. It’s a concept that can be as daunting as it is exciting, especially […]

Getting Church Members to Invite

The other day, I found myself in a heart-to-heart with a pastor, and his frustration was palpable. He complained, “My members just aren’t inviting their friends and neighbors to church.” It’s a common refrain, isn’t it? But here’s the twist: your members have already invited pretty much everyone they know over the years and […]

Thank You

Thanks so much for your help. To show our appreciation, download the latest issue of Net Results magazine, the “More Than Marketing” issue, as our gift to you. That’s over…