Imagine finishing your meal at the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant. The server brings you the bill and snuggled up against it is a very special Fortune Cookie. I say it’s special because this
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Imagine finishing your meal at the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant. The server brings you the bill and snuggled up against it is a very special Fortune Cookie. I say it’s special because this
The most important day of the year for churches is just around the corner. Christmas Eve, not Easter, is the most important day of the year to reach unchurched people. This fact has
The Wall Street Journal reports that one of the key reasons for the continued growth of McDonalds restaurants is their continually embracing of change. What began as the original fast food provider of
In every Pizza with the Pastor gathering I have ever held for newcomers I would ask the same question, “What did you notice first when you came to our church? Without fail I
I hear a lot about "epic fails" these days. Typically, that means something has gone very wrong – and ended up on YouTube or Facebook. The truck was too tall for the underpass
Think about times you've been embarrassed. What was the context? How did you feel? It wasn't good, was it? Being embarrassed is a terrible feeling. When I'm embarrassed, I'm tempted to turn around