Sample Staff Meeting Agenda

Just a few hours ago, we posted a sample board meeting agenda. Within minutes, we started receiving requests: “What would an effective staff meeting agenda look like?”

The primary difference between a board meeting and a staff meeting is that the staff is leading the programs and ministries of the church. They’re responsible for making […]

Sample Church Board Meeting Agenda

Every so often we get asked, “What would an effective board [or council or session or vestry] meeting look like?”

As you look at the agenda, remember that a board’s top priority is to hold the pastor accountable for mission alignment and vision achievement. It is NOT a board’s job to manage anything. However, for the […]

Radical Disciple Making: Session 03

Download Revised RDM Session 03 Handouts: CLICK HERE

Ushers Ush

“Good morning, Mrs. Dalton. Do you have a seating preference?”

“Oh, Sheila, you ask me every week. You know I always sit in the same place.”

The usher smiled. “Yes, but you never know!” Then she turned to a couple who was just then coming through the door. “Good morning! Do you have a seating preference?”

“Well, we […]

Ten Tips for Using Your Newsletter to Grow Your Church

The fact is, most church newsletters do little to nothing to help grow a church… in fact, many church newsletters we’ve reviewed may be a part of the reason why a church isn’t growing.

Here are a couple of do’s and don’ts to help you develop a newsletter that will at least aid your church […]

Never Call It a Welcome Center

Too many churches don’t have an information center – and the ones that do seem to tuck it away against the back wall in some out-of-the-way corner. A well run information center is worth its weight in gold.

That being said, don’t make these information center faux pas:

Instead of “Information Center,” it’s labeled “Visitors” or “Welcome” […]

The Four Core Processes: Not a Balancing Act

The Church: Mainline, 107 in average worship attendanceThe Location: Northeast USThe Pastor: First call, seminary trainedThe Resources: Consultation completed, coach engagedThe Presenting Issue: Lack of growth, few visitors, lots of busyness with little returnThe Real Issue: The pastor’s commitment to balance

You can lead a horse to water. Sometimes, as coaches and consultants, we just […]

An Example of Communion Instructions

Click Image to Play Video
This is one of the best guest-friendly introductions to communion I’ve seen. Notice that Pastor Ted tells the congregation virtually every detail of how to receive communion.

It’s also a good example of a lightened version of the Lutheran Liturgy for the Eucharist.

Exceptional Practices of Note:

Virtually nothing is left to chance […]

Shift Happens 2014

Our culture keeps on marching… and unfortunately, the North American church seems to fall further and further behind. I regularly begin church training exercises by showing the “Shift Happens” YouTube video that was initially uploaded back in 2008. The response to the video by the average layperson is typically shock … especially for those […]