Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A "tiny"
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A "tiny"
Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just-right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A tiny bit
I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the
We don't normally do this, but since the Harvard Business Review "Daily Stat" blog has been broken for over three months, instead of just posting a link, we're reproducing a GREAT mini-post here.
I imagine that it's no surprise that many (dare I say most) seminary trained pastors – and even business trained pastors – lean toward the verbose and the grandiloquent. In some writings, I suppose, that's
A Personal Note to ALL Church Leaders Church leaders need to remember that they have a different mandate than the average church member. At large church members are charged with the care of