I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don't understand the importance of these rooms. How
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don't understand the importance of these rooms. How
I got a note the other day asking about what a bar ministry might look like. There are a couple ways that churches are doing successful bar ministries. Here are the two dominant
I just returned from a church growth training event at a local church where we reviewed and evaluated their vision. Their vision statement was a bit wordy, but overall it got high marks.
Today, I had a conversation with one of the church planters I’m coaching. During the coaching call he asked me, “What are some ways to help staff be more productive?” I made several
Over the years I’ve noticed something about church plants that might be helpful to you. Somewhere around 125-200 in worship, many semi-successful church planters lose their focus on outreach and bringing more people
Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of growing churches today are out of the mainstream? In fact all of the mainline denominations are in decline. I have a theory on why.