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March 2, 2007 0 Comments

By Bill Tenny-Brittian In my opinion, the most important time you spend together as a family is during your mealtimes. One of the ways to take your dinner (or lunch or breakfast) to

March 2, 2007 0 Comments

By Bill Tenny-Brittian In Prayer of People Who Can't Sit Still, I tell the story of what happens when the pastor says, "Let us bow our heads and close our eyes for prayer." I'm with

March 2, 2007 0 Comments

Almost everyone commutes. In Seattle, the "experts" say the average commute is 23.8 minutes, but anyone who works in the city will tell you that a twenty-four minute commute is a luxury that

March 2, 2007 0 Comments

By Bill Tenny-Brittian Quick, what's the most used appliance in your house? For most North American homes it's the television. The average American adult spends about four hours a day watching TV and

March 2, 2007 0 Comments

By Bill Tenny-Brittian Many churches have a "greeting time" built into the worship service. In some, the time is a fellowship moment set aside for meeting and greeting visitors. Other churches use the

February 27, 2007 0 Comments

Coaching appears to be the "next" big thing when it comes to church leadership. It seems almost everyone either (1) wants to be a coach, or (2) wants to be coached. The fact