About Bill Tenny-Brittian

Bill is the Managing Partner at The Effective Church Group. He began ministry as a church planter in the early 1980s and over the past 40 years he's grown churches from one side of the nation to the other. In 2002 he joined Bill Easum's consultation group and began partnering with churches and church leaders to help them reach their fullest potential. He is the author of twelve books and the editor of Net Results magazine. Reach Bill here.

Why Your Church Needs an Outreach Avatar

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and competition for time is fierce, churches face the monumental task of staying relevant and impactful. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in understanding your target audience—your Outreach Avatar. Contrary to popular belief, having a specific Outreach Avatar doesn’t limit your reach; it actually expands […]

The 15% Mistake

Stuck at a 15% return rate for first-time guests? Let’s turn that around.

Meet Pastor Doug. He implemented a guest engagement plan and saw his guest return rate skyrocket from 15% to 75%. Real change, real results. Time to take action, folks. Success in church growth isn’t accidental; it’s the result of intentional actions and […]

No Visitor Left Behind: The Ultimate Guide to Guest Engagement

Introduction: The Invisible Visitor Dilemma

We’ve all heard the stories—people walk into a church, hopeful and a little nervous, only to walk out feeling like they were completely invisible. They might have received a polite “Good morning,” but what they didn’t get was a meaningful connection. And that’s a problem. Why? Because a church isn’t […]

One Reason Why Your Church May Be Stuck

Ever wonder why some churches grow like wildfire while yours is stuck? The secret is simpler than you think.

Community isn’t just a feel-good term; it’s the backbone of any thriving church. I’ve consulted with churches across North America, and the ones that grow have a strong sense of community. It starts with the first […]

A Real-Life Transformation

Want to see a real-life church transformation? Listen to this.

Pastor Scott implemented the leadership and membership covenants at his church, and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Gone are the days of lingering conflicts and bullying behavior. Now, issues are resolved quickly, and the atmosphere is one of mutual respect and […]

The Silent Killer in Your Church: Unresolved Conflict and How to Tackle It Head-On

You walk into your church on a Sunday morning, greeted by the familiar faces of your congregation. The atmosphere is warm, the hymns are uplifting, and the sermon is inspiring. But beneath the surface, there’s a silent killer lurking—unresolved conflict. It’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to address, yet it’s […]

The Roadmap to Church Harmony

Ever wonder why some churches seem so peaceful? Let’s unlock that secret.

A harmonious church starts with clear expectations. And that’s where well-defined covenants come into play. They’re not just rules; they’re a roadmap to a healthier, more unified church. They help set the stage for growth and unity by establishing clear expectations for behavior, […]

The Silent Crisis in Your Church

Ever feel like your church is sitting on a ticking time bomb? Let’s defuse it together.” 🗨️ “Unresolved conflict is like a termite infestation in your church. You don’t notice it until the damage is done. This week, we’re diving deep into strategies to tackle this issue head-on. We’ll explore how to identify the […]

The 3 Pillars of a Strong Church Vision

Want a vision that sticks? You need these three pillars!

You walk into a church and what do you see? Stained glass windows, perhaps. A pulpit, most likely. But what about the invisible architecture? The stuff you can’t see but can definitely feel. I’m talking about the vision of the church. And let’s face it, […]