About Bill Tenny-Brittian

Bill is the Managing Partner at The Effective Church Group. He began ministry as a church planter in the early 1980s and over the past 40 years he's grown churches from one side of the nation to the other. In 2002 he joined Bill Easum's consultation group and began partnering with churches and church leaders to help them reach their fullest potential. He is the author of twelve books and the editor of Net Results magazine. Reach Bill here.

Is Your Vision Building or Busting Your Church’s Growth?

In the quest of how to grow a church, there’s a pivotal yet often overlooked element: distinguishing your personal vision from your church’s. Think of it as the unsung hero of church leadership. Many pastors, in their heartfelt service, blur these lines, leading to a journey where their personal compass gets lost in the […]

Time to Organize Your Church – Once And For All!

In the ever-evolving landscape of church leadership and management, one of the most pressing challenges faced by pastors and church leaders is navigating the complexities of organizing the church. At the heart of this challenge lies a critical question: How can a church’s structure facilitate effective decision-making, foster growth, and align with its mission […]

Church Reputation: The Key to Church Growth and Attracting Visitors

The Transformative Power of Reputation

In the vast landscape of community institutions, churches hold a unique position. They are places of worship, community gathering, and often, outreach. Yet, despite their pivotal role, many churches remain virtually unknown in their communities. The key to bridging this gap and fostering growth? Building a solid reputation.

The Stark Reality: […]

How to Engage Digitally: Social Media Strategy for Churches

As a church leader, you understand the importance of engaging every visitor. Expanding your congregation and the reach of your mission requires effective outreach. 

Social media is an effective tool for connecting with church members and is becoming increasingly popular in the world of marketing. If your church wants to keep up, you’ll need a […]

Fish to Faith: Numbers Reveal the Gospel’s Power

In a world driven by data and metrics, the church often finds itself in a peculiar position. While businesses and organizations meticulously track KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), churches sometimes shy away from the numbers game. But if we look back to the early church, we find a different story—one where numbers were not just […]

The Four Pillars of Church Growth: A Strategic Blueprint for Transformation

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast and lunch,” says business thinker Jim Collins. But when it comes to church growth, strategy shouldn’t be left off the dinner table. Here’s how to strategically implement the four pillars—Invite, Connect, Disciple, and Send—to transform your church into a thriving community.

Invite: The Strategic Art of Outreach

Inviting isn’t just about opening […]

The Computer Science of Church Growth: Time Management Lessons for Pastors

Time management is a challenge that every pastor faces, especially when you’re leading a growing church. The good news? Computer science has some fascinating insights that can help you manage your time more effectively. Brian Christian did a TED Talk some time ago that offers some different – even some counterintuitive – tools to […]

Turn Water into Wine … or at Least Turn Your To-Do Lists into Done

You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the mission-critical goals. Now, what you need is the time management strategy to make it all happen. In a world where pastors are expected to be spiritual leaders, counselors, and administrators, time is your most valuable asset. Let’s talk about how to prioritize it effectively.

The ABCDE of Time […]

From Sermons to Staplers: How to Sort Your Church Priorities Without Losing Your Religion

In today’s fast-paced, distraction-filled world, staying focused on what truly matters is more challenging than ever. As a pastor or church leader, you’re not merely managing a congregation; you’re spearheading a mission—a mission that can’t afford to get derailed by the myriad of “urgent” but ultimately inconsequential tasks that vie for your attention. So, […]