About Bill Tenny-Brittian

Bill is the Managing Partner at The Effective Church Group. He began ministry as a church planter in the early 1980s and over the past 40 years he's grown churches from one side of the nation to the other. In 2002 he joined Bill Easum's consultation group and began partnering with churches and church leaders to help them reach their fullest potential. He is the author of twelve books and the editor of Net Results magazine. Reach Bill here.

Getting Church Members to Invite

The other day, I found myself in a heart-to-heart with a pastor, and his frustration was palpable. He complained, “My members just aren’t inviting their friends and neighbors to church.” It’s a common refrain, isn’t it? But here’s the twist: your members have already invited pretty much everyone they know over the years and […]

The Five Tasks of a Successful Lead Pastor

This week I want to talk about the multifaceted role of a successful lead pastor in the Post-Covid Church. To begin with, though, I’d like us to get one thing straight: as the lead pastor, you’re the captain of the church ship. Everything from the high seas of worship to the nitty-gritty of budgeting […]

The Pastor’s Playbook for Boosting Church Giving

“We don’t have money problems anymore.” Imagine hearing that in your church. That’s exactly what one of my Catalytic Church Growth Pastors told me last week. It’s like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it? But let’s be real – even in churches where the offering plate seems always full, there’s never enough cash […]

Holy Shift: Redirecting Your Ministry Focus

As we usher in the 2024 New Year, it’s not just about flipping the calendar page; it’s about reassessing our paths and priorities – cutting through both ministry and life’s clutter. For us pastors and church leaders, this introspection is more than a ritual—it’s a necessity. We’re not just managing organizations; we’re nurturing communities […]

Church Planning for 2024: Connecting with the Unchurched in the New Year

As we stand at the cusp of a new year, it’s time to face a hard truth: what used to work in church growth and engagement simply doesn’t cut it anymore. Whether it’s a ripple effect of the post-COVID era or a broader shift in cultural tides, the old playbook of church invitations is […]

Are You a Scattered Pastor?

Hey Pastor … we’ve all been there – feeling like we’re being pulled and scattered in a million different directions, trying to juggle a dozen balls and inevitably dropping half of them. It’s a common scenario in our line of work, right? On a good day, we start our day with a clear […]

From Popcorn to Post-Mortem: Anatomy of Ministry Failure

In the heart of a bustling suburban neighborhood, a local church, brimming with enthusiasm and good intentions, embarked on a mission to attract young families. Their plan? A Saturday night family movie event, featuring a beloved classic Disney film. The team behind this initiative was confident they had all the right ingredients for success: […]

The Great Worship Juggling Act: Keeping Millennials, Gen X, and Grandma in Harmony

In an era where the tapestry of our congregations is as diverse as ever, the concept of targeted worship has emerged as a pivotal strategy in church growth and community outreach. Gone are the days when a one-size-fits-all approach to worship could meet the spiritual needs of every attendee. Today’s churches are a melting […]

Build a Christmas Eve Your Neighbors Won’t Forget

As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, our thoughts inevitably drift towards the festive season. Christmas, a time of joy, reflection, and community, holds a unique place in our hearts and calendars. For churches, this season presents a golden opportunity to connect with the community, both the faithful and those on the […]