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Where Were You?

September 11, 2011 Bill Easum 0 Comments

I’ve been asked this question twice in my life.  The first was about the murder of President John Kennedy.  I was in Cranfils Gap, Texas, where I was the pastor of the Baptist church.  The second was the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was in Columbus, Ohio, at a hotel next to the airport holding a seminar with Tom Bandy for judicatories from all over the country. I was giving a presentation when someone entered the room and said a plane had just flown into the Pentagon.  From there it went downhill.  Five days later, we were still stuck in Columbus because all airline traffic was halted so we rented a car and drove to Baltimore where we were scheduled to give another seminar.

It’s not normal to remember specific days in your past, unless something very unusual happens.  May we never have any more of these unusual days.

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