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January 1, 2013 0 Comments

Welcome to 2013. How are you going to measure the success of your church this year, and every other year, for that matter? Worship attendance, finances, Sunday school and/or small group attendance, the

October 25, 2012 1 Comment

In our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, we write that all churches are missional or they aren't a church.  Pastor and author Michael Slaughter fell in love with the book at

October 4, 2012 2 Comments

I believe the primary mission of the local church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  If I believe that, then everything my church does should be pointed toward that goal.  If I

February 1, 2012 0 Comments

I just returned from a training event for a church that’s dwindled down to less than fifty in worship and has less than a dozen committed leaders. They were pretty much in the