18 Years to Win Gold

Last night the Chinese coupleĀ Shen Xue and Zhao HongboĀ won an Olympic gold medal in the pairs free program figure skating competition. That’s a major accomplishment. But when you realize they had been skating for the gold for 18 years and both were in their 30s, it’s close to miraculous.

As I listened to the announcer, […]

Stop Losing Staff

ā€œIā€™m tired of training staff only to see them leave to work in another church.ā€ I heard pastors say this a lot when I was consulting. I always wondered what would happen if they didnā€™t train them and they stayed long term. 

ā€œMy staff is so competent that Iā€™m afraid some church will steal them […]

Getting Past Your Past

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

According to Jesus, Paul, James, Peter, and John when we confess, repent, and take reconciliation seriously we become a new creature, all the old things in our lives have passed away, and we are completely renewed. Now, hang on to that promise for a moment. Live with it. What would it mean […]

The Three Most Important Rooms in a Church

I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don’t understand the importance of these rooms. How do I know this? By simply looking at the way most churches take care of these three rooms. In far too […]

The Platinum Rule of Hospitality

The golden rule, ā€œDo unto others as you would have done unto you,ā€ has been the hallmark of the church for nearly two millennia. However, the rule has lately been misapplied to mean, ā€œWeā€™ll do unto others as we would have done unto usā€¦ so all those ā€˜othersā€™ will have to like what we […]

Woe Is Us

I received this private email some time ago. I received permission to reprint it here, after making some modifications to protect the identity of the writer.
I have come to the realization that my tribe, UMC, will continue to die because our leadership at the highest level insists on people-pleasing by straddling the proverbial fence. […]

Church Planters’ Heaven

One of the most valued pieces of church planting is often lost in the hustle and bustle of setting up and taking down, but when its discovered it’s like heaven on earth. I’m talking about visibility.Ā  Nothing takes the place of visibility for a church planter’s success. A planter lives and dies on visibility.

Visibility […]

The Missional Church: Christianity Redefined as Paradox

Missional is the buzzword of the day. You can get new life and extra mileage out of almost any church topic by adding ā€œmissionalā€ to otherwise ordinary words. But add Missional to Christianity and many Western Christians start getting uncomfortable. As the missional church redefines Christianity, and make no mistake about it, Christianity as […]

Everything Must Change

By Brian McLaren

As are all of McLarenā€™s book,Ā Everything Must ChangeĀ is extremely well written and researched prose bordering at times on poetry. His theme is simple yet profound ā€“ unless everything changes in our approach to the suicidal systems story that drives todayā€™s world life on this planet isnā€™t sustainable. He argues for Christians toĀ believeĀ a […]