The First Core Spiritual Habit: Pick up and Read

The first and typically most transformative spiritual habit is, surprisingly, scripture reading. Iā€™m fond of saying ā€œIā€™m a scientistā€™s son and a mainliner at heart,ā€ so when I tell church leaders that if theyā€™ll just start reading scripture regularly their lives will be transformed, they sometimes look at me as if I was from […]

Ten Tips for Using Your Newsletter to Grow Your Church

The fact is, most church newsletters do little to nothing to help grow a church… in fact, many church newsletters we’ve reviewed may be a part of the reason why a church isn’t growing.

Here are a couple of do’s and don’ts to help you develop a newsletter that will at least aid your church […]

Creative and Effective Sermon Titles

I think I’ve convinced myself that the most difficultĀ sermon preparation task (andĀ one of the most important) is coming up with great sermon titles (and sermon series titles). Your sermon’s title is of critical importance if you’re depending on word of mouth marketing, using your outdoor church announcement sign, or planning to run any sort […]

How to Start Conversations ā€“ Even If You Live in New York

When I’m coaching or consulting and make the recommendation that pastors need to spend significant time hanging out wherever it is their targets are hanging out, it tends to raise a host of questions. Where should I hang out? When? What do I need to stop doing so that I have time?

All those are […]

The Effective Church Board in Action

We often get questions about what kind of decisions an effective policy/accountability board is responsible for.

Below are a couple of brief scenarios that demonstrate decision-making processes a board should and should not engage in. (These are hypothetical examples that may or may not reflect issues facing your congregation.)

The petty cash policy limits the […]

Top Five Blog Posts of 2014

2014 was a banner year for The Effective Church Group at 21st Century Strategies.

We provided church leader training resources toĀ over 44,000 church leaders this year, including:

Access to overĀ 1500 blog posts on
Over 200 training videos on Church-Talk
Over 325 issues of Net Results magazine

We worked in person with over 300Ā pastors […]

Dispelling the Three Big Small Group Myths

Over the years Iā€™ve noticed three huge myths about small groups. These three myths are so pervasive and powerful that they have caused churches to avoid initiating small group systems. And when a church fails in its attempt at developing small groups that multiply, most likely the culprit is one of these three myths. […]

Desire for God: Journal for Life in the Eternal


Desire for God: Journal for Life in the Eternal

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Tom Bandy

The spiritually yearning, institutionally alienated public is still the fastest growing demographic in North America today ā€¦ and Christian mission is adjusting with a whole new merging of spiritual life, team multiplication, and worship design. Tom Bandy […]

Unbinding the Gospel: Real Live Evangelism

Martha Gay Reese Chalice Press, 2006

If you’re looking for a book with the newest and slickest evangelism and marketing tips, this isĀ notĀ the book for you.

On the other hand, if you’re perplexed why Mainliners have such a strong aversion to evangelismā€¦and want to do something about itā€¦this is the book for you.

In 2004 Gay Reese, […]