Sermon-Based Small Groups

“What curriculum should my small group use?” More and more vital churches are answering that question by using sermon-based material.

Larry Osborne, pastor at North Coast Church in San Diego, has helped popularize this approach, which makes the weekend sermon the basis for the small group discussion the following week. Not simply a review of […]

Public Prayer: A Brief How-To Guide

There’s more to public praying than just heeding some “thou shalt nots.” For example, thou shalt not use the words ‘Lord’ or ‘just’ as commas between long, run-on sentences: (“We just pray, Lord, that you would just hear our prayers, Lord, and just touch the hearts and souls of the congregation, Lord…”) and thou shalt […]

How Christians are Called to Curb Racism, Gun Deaths, and Cure All the Rest of Our Social Ills

There was another terrible gun tragedy yesterday. This time, though, the Facebook posts have been slightly different. Yes, there are still the politicos who demand full disarmament on the one side and arming every man, woman, and child (with careful screening and gun safety training) on the other. And there was the typical pouring […]

52 Hitchhikers and Evangelism

Today I’ve spent all day … well, from 10:30 AM until 4:20 … training fifty-two participants the first half of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Evangelism seminar. I’m exhausted (that’s a lot of time up in front doing a lot of the talking) and yet I’m too wound up to sleep. There’s something about watching […]

Evangelism and Leadership … Strange Bedfellows?

I recently completed teaching a college course on Evangelism In Your Context. I had students from all over (east of the Rockies) and a good time was had by all. The majority of the students were either pastors or staff members of churches and the sheer number of Ahas! was gratifying. Perhaps the most […]

The “New” Evangelism

In December, my new book on Evangelism will be released by Chalice Press. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Evangelism takes a peek at the “new” evangelism needed for reaching today’s world. Let’s face it, if the ways we do evangelism were really working, our churches would be filling up. But that’s clearly not the case. Indeed, […]

Complexity and Intuition

By Bill Easum

I doubt if anyone would disagree that the world has become more complex over the years. Not only that the level of complexity has exponentially grown in the past decade.  Things that were simple a few years back are now much for difficult to figure out.

Just take the telephone for example.  When […]

Achieving More with Less

By Bill Easum

2008 was a very bad year for the majority of people around the world.  Savings and pensions cut in half. Jobs lost. And a world-wide lack of confidence in governments. From everything I see 2009 will be worse.  We haven’t yet seen the end of layoffs, bailouts, rising unemployment – I could […]

Retreating Spiritually

I talked with a pastor who was struggling with personal problems that were affecting his pastoral work.  In spite of his problems, God blessed the church’s cell ministry, and it grew slowly and steadily. But I noticed that the underlying personal struggles were taking a toll on his ministry. “I’d be willing to leave the pastorate, […]