Holy Shift: Redirecting Your Ministry Focus

As we usher in the 2024 New Year, it’s not just about flipping the calendar page; it’s about reassessing our paths and priorities – cutting through both ministry and life’s clutter. For us pastors and church leaders, this introspection is more than a ritual—it’s a necessity. We’re not just managing organizations; we’re nurturing communities […]

Worship Websites

1. http://www.sacramentis.com/ Sally Morgenthaler

2. http://www.worshipinfo.com/ Worship Books, Articles, Reviews,Keyboard Tutorials, Sound System Design,Multimedia Presentations, MIDI & Synthesizer Info/Tutorials, Worship Classified Listings, Worship Links, Conferences, Seminars, Worship CDs, Christian Music Arrangements, Sheet Music, MIDI Song Files

3. http://www.worshiptogether.com/ Worship leaders resources, conferences, music.

4. http://www.ginghamsburg.org

5. http://www.midnightoilproductions.net   Lin Wilson and Jason Moore who used to be at Ginghamsburg church

6. http://www.integritymusic.com/ worship resources, articles, seminars, CD’s

7. http://www.worshipmusic.com/ worship music _ often have […]

501(c)(3) Status for Churches: A Guide to IRS Rules

As a church leader, your ministry’s focus is likely on reaching the unchurched in your community—not studying legal tax classifications. But tax exemption is an important status that can greatly benefit your church, so it’s worth understanding whether or not you should apply.

If you want to obtain 501(c)(3) status for your church, you’ve come […]

62 Ways to Connect with the Unchurched

In order to connect with the unchurched you have to have three ingredients: a knowledge of God’s word, a good relationship with unchurched people, and the ability to make the leap from a world of organized faith to a world of searching faith.  Most clergy and some laity have the first ingredient. However, very few clergy […]

Short Form Videos

…https://vimeo.com/861256582?share=copy https://vimeo.com/860938669?share=copy https://vimeo.com/860938683?share=copy https://vimeo.com/860943768?share=copy https://vimeo.com/860943829?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859406417?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859410303?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859406180?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859406598?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859406115?share=copy https://vimeo.com/859406497?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857889153?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857891296?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857498969?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857500795?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857334232?share=copy https://vimeo.com/857334253?share=copy https://vimeo.com/856774411?share=copy https://vimeo.com/856767431?share=copy https://vimeo.com/856442681?share=copy https://vimeo.com/856442709?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855983056?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855983532?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855720811?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855724444?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855720790?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855720908?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855720711?share=copy https://vimeo.com/855720827?share=copy https://vimeo.com/854657689?share=copy…

Member Giving: It Is Your Business

I can’t tell you how many pastors have said to me, “I don’t want to know what my members give. That’s between them and God.”

But the reality is, if you’re the lead pastor, what your members give IS your business. 

When I was a church planter, my trainer asked us, “What is the #1 […]

5 Components To Look For In Kids’ Ministry Curriculum

As a church leader, you know that children are the future of your congregation, but they are also the church of today. Every church’s children’s program is responsible for raising up the next generation of believers and teaching them Scriptural truths.

So, whether you’re looking to bring children into your church or foster a positive […]

Changing the Committee Forecast for the New Year

It’s the time of year when churches across the nation will be installing their new officers, committee chairs, board members, etc. There will be a meaningful installation service (there will be a meaning-full service in your church, right?) and these committed men and women will excitedly begin their service to the church for the next year. […]

Developing a Transformational Small Group Bible Study

Let me start out by being totally clear. A Bible study in and of itself is not a life transforming activity. The church is filled with spiritually immature members who are the products of many years of “Bible studies,” Sunday school classes, and discussion groups. Most Bible studies are data dumps of information that fills […]