The Demise of Robert’s Rules of Order

Hi Bill,
I’ve heard you say that Robert’s Rules are dead.  What are some of the factors that has led to its demise?
Making disciples,

From Bill Easum
Roberts Rules were designed for people who don’t trust one another or who can’t relate to one another in an orderly, loving fashion.
If the church is seen as a corporation then […]

Water Jar Behind: Community Reach Ahead

“Then the women left her water jar behind and went back to the city.”  As the woman at the well encountered Jesus, her life was transformed, and then she headed out in mission to her home town.  (See John 4: 7-42)  This story gives us concrete clues as to what it takes to reach […]

Study: It’s Not Teacher, but Method that Matters

Below is an article that should be speaking volumes into every pastor’s heart and mind who is committed to sharing the Gospel in ways that can be heard and make sense. The day of the “sermon” as we know it is dead … or at least should be. -BTB

Published: May 12, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – Who’s […]

Worship Websites

1. Sally Morgenthaler

2. Worship Books, Articles, Reviews,Keyboard Tutorials, Sound System Design,Multimedia Presentations, MIDI & Synthesizer Info/Tutorials, Worship Classified Listings, Worship Links, Conferences, Seminars, Worship CDs, Christian Music Arrangements, Sheet Music, MIDI Song Files

3. Worship leaders resources, conferences, music.


5.   Lin Wilson and Jason Moore who used to be at Ginghamsburg church

6. worship resources, articles, seminars, CD’s

7. worship music _ often have […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]

The Great Worship Juggling Act: Keeping Millennials, Gen X, and Grandma in Harmony

In an era where the tapestry of our congregations is as diverse as ever, the concept of targeted worship has emerged as a pivotal strategy in church growth and community outreach. Gone are the days when a one-size-fits-all approach to worship could meet the spiritual needs of every attendee. Today’s churches are a melting […]

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

By: Bill Easum

My hearts aches.

Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive, much less thrive. Why do so many church plants not reach their potential?

It certainly isn’t because they don’t try or don’t care. Church planters […]

The Changing Face of Worship and Church Growth

Interview with Bill Easum

Pastors often turn to church growth strategists to help them develop a plan for their church. These specialized consultants can make a significant impact on every program in the church, including the music ministry. William Easum has been at the forefront of the church growth movement for a number of years. […]