Mission Statements

Five good books for creating a Mission Statement:

The Path, by Laurie Beth Jones, New York, NY, Hyperion, 1996Managing By Values, by Ken Blanchard and Michael O’Connor, San Francisco, Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 1997****Building A Shared Vision, C. Patrick Lewis, Portland, OR,     Productivity Press, 1997Built to Last, James Collins, and Jerry Porras, Harper     Business, 1997Clarifying our […]

The Apostolic Movement in the Emerging World

From time to time, I write about movements that I see emerging. The last three movements I wrote about were local churches establishing and staffing church planting centers within their churches, congregations with more than one location, and churches and organizations whose goal is to reach their city for Christ.  All three of these […]

Anatomy of a Movement

History has not been overly kind to most movements. Just reflect on what has happened to the Civil Rights movement after the death of Martin Luther King. It lost most of its momentum. Movements need a strong, charismatic leader.  When the leader dies, most movements wane.  For these movements to have a lasting impact, it […]

Why Your Church Needs an Outreach Avatar

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and competition for time is fierce, churches face the monumental task of staying relevant and impactful. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in understanding your target audience—your Outreach Avatar. Contrary to popular belief, having a specific Outreach Avatar doesn’t limit your reach; it actually expands […]

A Pastor’s Look at AI

In recent years, the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tools like ChatGPT has stirred a significant buzz in various sectors, and the church is no exception. The word ‘Change’ often sends a shiver down the spine in church circles. It’s a concept that can be as daunting as it is exciting, especially […]

Interesting Stats on Growing a Church: Breaking Some Old Myths

Here’s some research that you should know about – it could give you some pointers on what grows church plants. The research included all major denominations and some 1200 church planters. The survey was limited to churches started after 2007, so there were 843 church planters that fit the criteria. The research was done by […]

Apostolic Movements: Emerging Worship

Emerging Worship: Musings On A Much-Altered Landscape
by Sally Morgenthaler
Worship leader Kirk McPherson has had a tough week.  It’s Friday, 5:30
p.m., and things are only barely coming together for Sunday morning.
If it wasn’t one staff problem, it was another.  He wonders what he
might be able to pull out of his hat by Saturday night.   Hmmm – there
are […]

AI: A Pastor’s Toolkit for Less Stress and More Bless

Imagine this: It’s early Monday morning, and you’re already feeling the weight of the week ahead. Your calendar is a jigsaw puzzle of meetings, administrative tasks, and pastoral duties. Somewhere between the budget review and the staff meeting, the heart of your calling—to connect, to bap all right screw it I’m doing here I’m just […]

Church Planning for 2024: Connecting with the Unchurched in the New Year

As we stand at the cusp of a new year, it’s time to face a hard truth: what used to work in church growth and engagement simply doesn’t cut it anymore. Whether it’s a ripple effect of the post-COVID era or a broader shift in cultural tides, the old playbook of church invitations is […]